01.02.2024 09:30

How to start a Freelance Business with A-Z guide?

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How to start a freelance business this is the question most of the peoples searching on Google because in 2024 freelance career is becoming so much popular day by day because we do not need any.

We can able to work by setting in our home and freelance career is not like your 9-5 job it’s your business you can able to manage your freelance business from anywhere so in this article I will guide you.

How to start a freelance business how do freelancer get clients and which freelancers earn higher so let’s start.

How to start a freelance business?

How to start a Freelance Business with A-Z guide?For starting your freelance business you have to keep one thing in mind that is if you’re a employee or if you’re a student than you have to start freelance as a site business or par time business because so many people’s I see they quit there job.

and studies and they will think if I quit job or studies than I earn $1000 in one month only because they do freelance as a full time business but this is a wrong way if you want to do freelance business in right way follow this steps.

Step.1 Take a clear decision

How to start a Freelance Business with A-Z guide?When I start doing freelance business in first time I not take a clear decision about which freelance service I should give to our clients I just know how to build a website and I giving so many services on freelance websites like web.

Step.2 Choose the right niche

After taking a clear decision now you have to choose the right niche what is a right niche? The right niche is a your interested and passionate niche for example

your interested in app development than do not choose a web development. because you can not do good at web development because your interested and passionate about app development and you can easily enjoy that work and it’s easy to do that work.

Step.3 Learn related things

How to start a Freelance Business with A-Z guide?After choosing the right niche now you have to learn niche related things for example you choose app development field now you have to learn related things.

Like coding programming languages like that only other niches related things you have to learn and atlas give them 2-4 months for learning because without skill you can not able to earn money and if you want to develop a skill you have to give time.

Step.4 Register on freelancing websites

After acquiring a skill now you have to register on freelancing website I see peoples do mistake while register on freelancing website they will register on one website only and they will wait for clients if they do not get clients they will quit.

it because they want fast project so batter is register on 2-4 freelancing websites If one website do give you clients than other website will give you clients so register on 2-4 websites so it’s easy to get your first project in less time lean 5 Useful Tips For Successfully Shifting To Remote Work.

For example, if you want to work as a freelancer then sites such as Quasa Connect are good places to find prospective clients. Or if you have a dab hand for crafts, then a site such as Etsy can be a great place to sell your goods.

With a concrete example, we will show how the Quasa Connect blockchain service works, setting up transactions between freelancers and clients using new crypto settlement tools.

QUASA is the world's first remote work app to offer cryptocurrency payments between clients and freelancers.

By connecting your crypto-wallet, a freelancer or customer instantly settles among themselves using the Quasacoin (QUA) cryptocurrency.

How to start a Freelance Business with A-Z guide?​The new crypto-settlement tools in QUASA democratize access to services traditionally tied to fiat money and banks, and open up opportunities for hundreds of millions of people. You are not tied to the currency of any country, and you can easily receive assignments from clients from anywhere in the world, even if you work in a country where the circulation of dollars is limited.

There is no need for conversion and complexities with banking operations. No need to know the laws of different countries.

Install the Metamask or Trust Wallet crypto wallet apps on your phone. These are reliable applications used all over the world. Register on a crypto exchange like ProBit or KickEX.
These are simple steps that will allow you to exchange the received cryptocurrency for any other currency.
For example, Binance has a built-in p2p platform where it is easy to exchange cryptocurrencies for dollars.
How to start a Freelance Business with A-Z guide?In the Quasa Connect app, find tasks from clients from anywhere in the world, now it's possible!

Connect your crypto wallet to the Quasa Connect app and answer published tasks.
Complete your profile and add a portfolio so clients can see what you can do, find and select you.
After the customer has chosen you and entrusted his task, you will begin the implementation, and when completed, click the “Finish” button.
The reserved money will go to your balance in the application when the customer accepts your work.

Click "Withdraw" and receive Quasacoin (QUA) cryptocurrency to your personal crypto wallet.

Quasacoin (QUA) is a cryptocurrency that was specifically created for settlements between freelancers and clients, so you can always exchange it for any other.

How to start a Freelance Business with A-Z guide?On decentralized exchanges like Uniswap, SushiSwap or Balancer, exchange QUA for bitcoin, USDT or any other cryptocurrency. You don’t even need to register on these exchanges, everything is anonymous. You also connect your Metamask or Trust wallet and change QUA. Very safe and secure.

In many countries, payments in dollars are difficult, but there are no problems with cryptocurrencies. And if you live in one of these countries, then, receiving payment in cryptocurrency for your services, you can easily exchange it on p2p exchanges for the currency of your country.

The application is available for all versions of Android. 

How to start a Freelance Business with A-Z guide?Blockchain app Quasa Connect

Now the application can be used:
- order any work;
- perform any work;
- agree on the cost of work;
- use the chat in the application;
- accept completed task;
- do not accept the task.

Step.5 Start with your contacts

How to start a Freelance Business with A-Z guide?This step is also help you to get your first project in less time in our smart phones we have so many friend and family members phone numbers jut you have to tell about your freelance service to your friend and family members for example you.

know how to  build a websites than  ask your friends or family members I build a website for your business in affordable price if you’re a  interested contact me so if they want website form you they will contact you.

Step.6 Build your website

How to start a Freelance Business with A-Z guide?If you have money to invest in you freelance business you can invest it in your website if you do not know how to build a website you can build your website from developers or you can also build a website in wordpress it’s easy to build.

just you have to buy domain and hosting and watch the wordpress tutorial on YOUTUBE and make it why I’m telling to build your website? Because when you build your website client trust on you and you will get client from Google also.

Step.7 Promote yourself on social media

How to start a Freelance Business with A-Z guide?This is the most important part for your freelance business because so many people’s use social media in 2021 just you want to promote yourself on social media by using FACEBOOK, X (Twitter) and INSTAGRAM how do you promote? You can.

promote with the help of sharing photos and videos on your social media accounts daily or you can do paid promotions on FACEBOOK with very low price and you will get high results best thing is you can target specific audience.

Step.8 Give more value than you take

So many new freelancers do not get clients because  in starting only they will charge high amount from clients because they want to earn more in starting only and clients do not give project to new freelancers because of high amount so if.

you want project’s from clients in less time you have to charge low and give more value than you take after gaining trust from your clients you can charge high amount of money.

Step.9 Attend a conferences and events

How to start a Freelance Business with A-Z guide?You have to attend a conferences and events in your city because in events and conference so many freelancers expert’s are comes and they will share.

knowledge there it’s very helpful for you who knows you will get first client for there only so a attend conferences and events if you want to know next freelance event in your city search on Google.

Step.10 Collaborate with others

How to start a Freelance Business with A-Z guide?This step is also very important because when you collaborate with other peoples in your industry you will get benefits form that person you can able to grow you freelance business for example I have a YOUTUBE channel and I want to.

Сollaborate with other related YOUTUBER than I will send a email to that YOUTUBER but before sending a email it’s important see our work also without.

Which freelancers earn higher?

1. Programmer

How to start a Freelance Business with A-Z guide?Freelancers programmer are earning higher because every offline business are coming online with help of programmer because business man’s do not know how to build a website or a app for there businesses and they will take help of.

2. Content writer

Content writer freelancers also earn higher and experience content writer charge $100 for 1000 words article because writing a content is no to easy you have to.

3. Social media marketing

How to start a Freelance Business with A-Z guide?Social media marketer also charge high amount of money because ever big companies like AMAZON Samsung etc. are running there ads on social media platform like FACEBOOK INSTAGRAM YOUTUBE because when they run ads on.

TV’s so many people’s do not comes on there website on social media platform we can able to go directly on there website through website link it a very helpful feature in social media platforms.

4. Video editing

So many people’s opening there YOUTUBE channels and they want video editors to edit there videos and they giving there videos to video editor freelancers and video editor freelance are charging around $50pr/hr on UPWORK it may be more.

5. Search engine optimization {SEO}

How to start a Freelance Business with A-Z guide?So many offline business are opening there websites on online and they wants SEO experts for there website and they will ready to pay you high amount of money and some SEO experts are charging $50-$100per/hr it’s a big opportunity for you.


This is the big opportunity for you because big companies like Microsoft airbnb etc.  are giving there projects to freelancer only I see so many freelancers are opening there own agency also.

So I hope now you know how to start freelance business if you have any question PLZ comment down below thanks for reading.

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