17.12.2021 10:30

What you need to know about branding your new business

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What you need to know about branding your new businessNo matter the size of your business or the type of service you offer, building your brand identity is essential. Doing so ensures you stand out in your market and attract the right type of customer, both of which are important in growing your business.

Branding your new business doesn’t have to cost a fortune, but you must get it right to appeal to your preferred client base. Here are some tips to help you successfully brand your new business and start growing.

What you need to know about branding your new business

Market research

When it comes to branding, every detail matters. From the logo you use to the language, you must consider what will appeal to your audience – and this shouldn’t be based on intuition alone.

What you need to know about branding your new businessCreating a brand identity is vital in connecting with the right market, so first, decide who it is you’re trying to appeal to and do some market research.

This is essential when both testing your product and finding out what your ideal target audience responds to best. You don’t want to use mature language only to realize the ideal market is teenagers, for example.

Don’t forget the basics

It can be tempting – and beneficial – to launch big campaigns showing off your products but don’t forget the basics. This rings particularly true if you’re a new or small business.

What you need to know about branding your new businessTap into the local community by handing out flyers and posting leaflets showing off your services, as well as posting on social media pages for the surrounding area.

All you need to do is design your leaflets, print them yourself after stocking up on HP cartridges and get posting. This is a great way of getting your business out there without spending much, leaving you a bigger budget to spend on wider campaigns and marketing.

Think about color

It’s a given that your branding should be eye-catching and attractive, but you should also consider what message your use of colour gives off.

People subconsciously relate colour to different emotions and meanings, plus it’s thought that colour can affect how we feel. Red is often associated with feelings of anger and danger, whereas blue is calming.

You’ll want to choose a few key colours to use throughout your branding, such as on your website, so make sure you’re giving off the right impression of your business.

Stay consistent

What you need to know about branding your new businessYour branding should be recognisable and consistent throughout your media, especially when it comes to your use of colour, language, and imagery.

By staying consistent, you’ll be able to build your audience, brand recognition, and identity much easier. Not only does this help grow a loyal audience, but helps you become a notable brand in your market.

You want people to remember you, and one of the key ways of doing so is using the same branding throughout your channels. Rather than mixing it up on your website, social media channels, and the like, keep it the same.

What you need to know about branding your new businessTaking these key factors into account when branding your business can help you build a loyal customer base, become a recognizable force in the industry and send a message about your services.

Take time to consider your audience, what they’d like to see and what would appeal to them to successfully create your brand identity.

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