20.12.2023 18:25

Quasa Metaverse 2.0

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##It is For Entrepreneurs That the QUASA Ecosystem is Being Created.

There is a huge market for freelancing, just as there is a huge market for cryptocurrencies. That is why QUASA has seized the leadership role and intends to create a new cryptocurrency freelance market and force players out of the markets of classic centralized service platforms.

Cryptocurrency is becoming an increasingly important factor for digital natives working remotely.

QUA cryptocurrency is a universal tool specially created for settlements with freelancers and those who order and work remotely around the world.

Quasa Metaverse 2.0Quasacoin (QUA) is a QUASA governance token implemented on the Ethereum blockchain. The use of QUA tokens is a prerequisite for working in the Quasa Connect application.

QUASA eliminates the hemorrhoids associated with finding customers and contractors in different countries, as well as problems associated with payment and receipt of money.

You are not tied to any country, nor to the currency of any country, nor to banks, nor to payment systems, nor to the need for conversion and difficulties with banking operations, nor to absurd commissions and surcharges, nor to paperwork, there are no certificates , no "big brothers", no intermediaries - there is only a customer and a performer.

By bringing together the best minds in global trade, information security, blockchain and artificial intelligence, QUASA aims to eliminate inefficiencies in a $150 trillion industry.

##Ecosystem QUASA

Quasa Metaverse 2.0Implemented:

  1. Blockchain app Quasa Connect
  2. Blockchain app QUASA NFT
  3. Quasa Media
  4. Quasa Rewards

##Quasacoin (QUA) is the first cryptocurrency that brings people together

QUA token smart contract address:  https://etherscan.io/token/0x4daeb4a06f70f4b1a5c329115731fe4b89c0b227

Quasa Metaverse 2.0​​Token Info:
Quasacoin (QUA) is an internal platform ecosystem token that is implemented on the Ethereum blockchain and is compatible with all ERC-20 wallets. 
• Name: Quasacoin
• Symbol: QUA
• Contract Address: 0x4dAeb4a06F70f4b1A5C329115731fE4b89C0B227

##Information About Current Placements of QUA

DEX and CEX:

Quasa Metaverse 2.0Rating Systems:


Quasa Metaverse 2.0Dashboards:

##QUASA is registered in Germany - full name Quasa International GmbH

Quasa Metaverse 2.0The Era of Open, Decentralized Platforms like QUASA is Coming. 

The QUASA is being created to solve the biggest problem facing humanity, namely to solve the problem of unemployment, so that people can find a job they love, provide for themselves and their families.

##What Is QUASA (QUA)?

QUASA is a Decentralized Metaverse That Brings Together Freelancers and Clients.

Quasa Metaverse 2.0Quasacoins (QUA) value is supported by real services offered by QUASA Metaverse.

Monetization of QUASA services occurs at the last stage of each case of successful completion of the task by any performer in the form of a reward, instantly increasing the demand for QUA tokens.

The technologies used in QUASA eliminate the problem of trust, information barriers and legal costs. By using a trusted environment, unnecessary workflow is eliminated, the cost of completing tasks for clients is reduced, and the performers earn more.

With the move to blockchain and the use of artificial intelligence, QUASA is creating a new environment that will revolutionize our daily work.

##Marketing and PR

- Twitter  - 20K 

- Facebook - 38K

Quasa Metaverse 2.0- VK - 21K

- OK - 7K

- Youtube - 4K

- Instagram - 2K

- Quasa Media - 400K readers monthly

##Who Are the Founders of QUASA?

Quasa Metaverse 2.0QUASA was founded by Slava Vasipenok, who explained in an interview with Irishtechnews that he is attracted and inspired by a future in which the problems of millions and hundreds of millions of people left without means of livelihood will be solved with the help of QUASA. 

The mission of the project is to create a universal digital assistant so that people can find the work they love and support themselves and their families.

The team consists of more than 30 people - this is a unique combination of specialists with advanced experience in the development and implementation of large blockchain systems.

##How can people learn more about Quasa?

Quasa Metaverse 2.0You can keep abreast of everything by subscribing to the official Twitter account or by joining the Telegram chat and communicate directly with the project team.

On the project website, in the QUA emission section, all information about Quasacoin and a phased development plan for Quasa Metaverse are presented.

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