20.01.2024 19:45

The First Crypto Platform Where Customers And Freelancers Meet!

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The problem of the future is not in pandemics and wars for resources, but in the fact that there are fewer and fewer professions where a person will be competitive with emerging technologies.

Freelancer or EmployeeA crisis is a crisis, but technological progress and robotization of production will soon lead to the fact that there will be less and less low-skilled work.

Modern technology is putting hundreds of millions of people around the world out of work.

However, no robots or interfaces will be able to make repairs in the apartment or fix furniture in the near future.

Of particular note is the increase in the number of performers specializing in engineering.

They perform various project tasks in parallel with their main job, and many leave (or lose their jobs) and go to freelance work for several companies at once, freely allocating their time and at the same time hiring contractors, such as freelancers, to perform a number of tasks.

Online personal service exchanges may well provide jobs for blue-collar (and white) workers.

The power wielded by hierarchies in all kinds of organizations is already undermined. The pandemic has accelerated this process.

User confidence in freelancers is growing.

freelance is growingAmong the executors of orders for the implementation of services for the comprehensive renovation of an apartment, drawing up a design project or large-scale interior decoration, the cost of which exceeds $2-3K, freelancers predominate.

People need to prepare for the fact that their profession will become unclaimed and look for the one that will win the fight.

Of course, competition among performers is increasing: some begin to actively dump, and sometimes beginners do not take money at all for the first tasks just to earn a good rating and get high ratings from customers, which will help them quickly gain the trust of new customers.

However, the best performers earn an average of $2-3K per month.

There is a practice of active use of online platforms that allow you to quickly select an adequate performer, based on his rating and the conditions under which he is ready to complete the task assigned to him.

However, if the freelancer and the client are located in different countries, then it is difficult to work due to the difference in currencies.

Classic freelance platforms provide traditional money transfer and conversion services. Both the customer and the freelancer pay for intermediary money transfer services.

Customers send money to the freelance exchange account, which converts it into a currency in which the performer can receive it and send it to the performer.

Losses only on conversion reach 20% on both sides.

When the price becomes exorbitant, it becomes a problem. Business solves the problem.

The cost of transferring and converting money is a problem, and therefore it becomes attractive to look for a solution to this problem, because it promises a benefit.

A $150 trillion market is at stake = this is the price of the problem.

A $150 trillion market is at stakeBusiness seeks to reduce costs and QUASA offers an alternative approach that solves this problem 10-20-50 times cheaper.

New crypto-settlement tools in QUASA democratize and open up opportunities for hundreds of millions of people, desacralize banks and transfer obsolete freelance exchanges from the “new stars” caste to the outsider caste. (you are not like everyone else, you work in an office...)

QUASA eliminates the hemorrhoids associated with the search for executors of orders and the fulfillment of orders, as well as problems with receiving money.

QUASA services are controlled by smart contracts. By connecting your crypto-wallet, a freelancer or customer instantly settles among themselves using the QUA cryptocurrency.

It's simple, but it's a revolution!

No intermediaries, only the customer and the contractor, no banks, payment systems, no conversion fees, no commissions for transferring payments, no taxes, no "big brother" eye.

The QUASA platform, focused on finding performers in solving any tasks and assignments, begins to unite professionals from various fields: IT, architecture, design, marketing, psychology, as well as engineering, scientific and medical areas.

QUASA has become the first one-stop marketplace offering cryptocurrency payments for freelancers and those who work remotely!

qua metaverseQuasacoin (QUA) is the governance token of the QUASA metaverse.

The Quasa Connect application is placed in the public domain on the Google Store and you can test it both from the side of the contractor and from the side of the customer.

We invite you to join the open testing and we will be grateful for your feedback.

Quasa Connect is an easy way to solve any problem in a couple of clicks!

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See you!

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