03.03.2022 08:11

Quasa Connect is revolutionizing the service market, and it's all free!

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QUASA has announced the launch of the Quasa Connect mobile application!

Quasa Connect is revolutionizing the service market, and it's all free!Quasa Connect is a free application for connecting people.
In Quasa Connect, anyone can post a task or become a task executor.

After the publication of your task, you can choose a contractor who will respond and agree on the cost of work with him. Or you can become a performer and earn money offering your services on Quasa Connect.

If you do not know where to start and how to become a performer, then go through the sandbox game from QUASA in a playful way on DayQ!

The application is available for all versions of Android. An iOS app is currently in development.

Quasa Connect is revolutionizing the service market, and it's all free!Blockchain app Quasa Connect

Now the application can be used:
- order any work;
- perform any work;
- agree on the cost of work;
- use the chat in the application;
- accept completed task;
- do not accept the task.

Combining the most brilliant minds in global trade, information security, blockchain, and artificial intelligence, QUASA aims to fix the inefficiencies in a $150 trillion USD industry.

Quasa Connect is revolutionizing the service market, and it's all free!QUASA was founded by Slava Vasipenok, who, in an interview with Irishtechnews magazine, said that the problems of hundreds of millions of people left without a livelihood would be solved with the help of Quasa Connect.

We invite you to join the open testing and we will be grateful for your feedback.

Many features still do not work correctly, and we will fix it.
We will also add new functionality to make it convenient to use Quasa Connect.

But the main thing is implemented, now you can solve any of your tasks or earn in cryptocurrency through Quasa Connect!

Quasa Connect is revolutionizing the service market, and it's all free!There is a huge market for freelancing, just as there is a huge market for cryptocurrencies. That is why QUASA has seized the leadership role and intends to create a new cryptocurrency freelance market and force players out of the markets of classic centralized service platforms.

Cryptocurrency is becoming an increasingly important factor for digital natives working remotely.

QUA cryptocurrency is a universal tool specially created for settlements with freelancers and those who order and work remotely around the world.

You are not tied to any country, nor to the currency of any country, nor to banks, nor to payment systems, nor to the need for conversion and difficulties with banking operations, nor to absurd commissions and surcharges, nor to paperwork, there are no certificates , no "big brothers", no intermediaries - there is only a customer and a performer.

Many thanks to everyone who supported and believed in us.
Quasa Connect is an easy way to solve any problem in a couple of clicks!

Thank you!
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See you!

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