04.08.2022 15:30

What is Medical Negligence?

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What is Medical Negligence?There are few professionals that are as trusted as doctors and other healthcare workers. These are highly trained and educated professionals that have a duty of care to look after their patients, so what happens when they make a mistake or the level of care falls below this? This is known as medical negligence and can have devastating results on a patients health and could even cause death.

Types of Medical Negligence 

As healthcare is such a broad sector, you will find that there are many different types of medical negligence. This includes medical misdiagnosis, which involves either a condition being completely missed and the patient suffering or an incorrect diagnosis being made. Surgical negligence includes the wrong operation being performed, the wrong body part being operated on and infection as a result of poor hygiene along with other surgical mistakes.

What is Medical Negligence?Other types of medical negligence include prescription and medicationerrors, which can involve the wrong medication or dosage being prescribed or prescribing a medication that the patient is allergic to. There are then pregnancy and birth injuries, which include injuries to the mother or baby that could have been avoided.

Reporting Negligence 

Nobody expects to go to the doctor and suffer from medical negligence, but this can happen particularly when the NHS is under great strain. Often, these mistakes will be harmless but they can also cause serious, life-changing and fatal consequences and this is why all medical negligence should be reported. You should first raise a complaint with the NHS about your experience and then decide whether or not to take legal action.

Taking Legal Action 

What is Medical Negligence?If you believe that you have a case and have suffered as a result of medical negligence, it is worth speaking to a law firm that specializes in medical negligence claims and they will be able to get the ball rolling on your case. As with most legal cases, you will need to have evidence of medical negligence in order to find success. This will be easy in certain cases but more challenging in others.

The compensation that you receive will depend on various factors, including the current and future financial losses, pain and suffering, the cost of additional needs and the length of time that you will be affected by the medical negligence.

People place a great deal of trust in medical professionals and usually they will provide the best level of care. This does not always happen, though, and the consequences of medical negligence can be severe. If you or a loved one believe that a medical professional was negligent and/or made a mistake that causes you to suffer then you should seek compensation to cover the losses but also to prevent a similar mistake from being made in the future.

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