14.02.2024 19:37

Use Your Skills to Make Money Online

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What is QUASA Marketplace?

QUASA is an online Marketplace designed for Buyers, Freelancers, and Influencers to connect, interact, and nurture their partnerships. 

Buyers are business owners whose goal is to hire professional Freelancers who offer multiple freelance services. 

Aside from the Freelancers, our Marketplace has Influencers, creators, and bloggers whom you can hire to be part of your influencer marketing campaign to advertise your products and services. 

If you're a talented professional, you have the possibility to sell your Freelance services and Influencer Offers to multiple Buyers, which is a great way to start and build your career.

What makes QUASA different from the other Freelance platforms?

The difference is the business model implemented at QUASA Marketplace. 

Currently, QUASA is the only Freelance Marketplace where entrepreneurs, small business owners, and Buyers can hire professional, multitalented, Freelancers and discover skillful Influencers, both of which are needed to get closer to your desired audience. 

The entire process is unified at our Freelance Marketplace. By addressing all of your business needs for hiring professionals in one place, offering you multiple Freelance services and Influencer Offers, and all that over one easy-to-use Marketplace, we save you time, money, and resources. 

You'll be able to find many Freelance services and Influencer Offers in just one place. 

You can hire an Influencer for your latest influencer marketing campaign with just a few clicks too.

How are Influencers and Freelancers divided at QUASA Marketplace?

Freelancers are professional workers who are skillful enough to work for you on a contract-based agreement. 

Influencers are individuals who can promote your brand's products and services on their social media accounts, create unique content, and help you reach your marketing goals.

What criteria Freelancers and Influencers need to meet to work via QUASA Freelance Marketplace?

Freelancers are experts who provide Freelance services, usually work remotely, and on a contract-based agreement. 

Influencers are talented individuals who advertise your products and services in your influencer marketing campaigns. 

Influencers are divided into four categories - nano, micro, macro, and mega. Many of our Influencers have Influencer Offers. 

Buyers can use our Freelance Marketplace to discover multiple Freelance services for free, but if you actually want to hire any Influencer, you'll need a monthly paid subscription.

Are there any criteria for Influencers and Freelancers at our Freelance Marketplace QUASA?

Anyone is welcome to join QUASA! Regardless of your background, location, or experience, if you believe in yourself, have relevant working experience, or you're just starting out, you can sign up to our Freelance and Influencer Marketplace and work on your career. 

As a Freelancer, you have the possibility to offer multiple Freelance services. 

Influencers are not obliged to have a certain number of followers to create an account at our Influencer Marketplace. However, they do need to connect at least one of their social media accounts to be able to authorize their account, and it’s better if you have multiple Influencer Offers. 

As a Buyer, you can launch an influencer marketing campaign with any type of Influencer, but ideally, choose Influencers who have already worked on similar influencer marketing campaigns. 

Also, if you can’t find the right  Freelance services for your business, you can always ask Freelancer to create Custom Offers for you only.

What do you need to know as a Buyer before hiring Influencers?

To hire Influencers, you need to sign up for a paid subscription at our Influencer Marketplace. 

For QUA 100K/month, you’ll gain access to thousands of talented, international Influencers who have multiple Influencer Offers and who are more than ready to promote your product and services to their followers. 

Developing and launching an influencer marketing campaign with our Influencers is a simple and easy process when you’re doing it via our Influencer and Freelance Marketplace.

What you as a Buyer should know before choosing an Influencer or a Freelancer for your business?

It depends on the type of talent you're looking for. If you use our Marketplace to search for Freelancers, it's important to review the services created by Freelancers. 

Also, look for Freelancers who offer multiple Freelance services, with relevant previous experience, or positive profile reviews from previous Buyers. 

If you're looking for Influencers, you should review their Influencer Offers, the content they publish on social media, review the number of followers, the niche they're working in, how they interact with their followers, etc. 

The success of your influencer marketing campaign depends a lot on this, so make sure to do your due diligence.

What do professionals need to know before working with a Buyer?

If you want to start your career at our Freelance Marketplace, prepare yourself for an interesting, but challenging journey. 

For more in-depth guidance, you can always visit our blog section – we post new useful content every week. 

On a more practical note, here’s what every Freelancer should know before accepting an offer from a Buyer: always consider the deadline, check the Buyer’s credibility, and don’t accept new offers if you’re not sure whether you can finish them. 

Also, it’s always better if you offer more Freelance services. 

Influencers should consider creating multiple Influencer Offers, to increase their credibility and authority in their niche. 

Both Influencers and Freelancers should be mindful of Buyers who insist on communicating outside of QUASA. Violation of this, as well as other rules, may get you banned permanently from our Marketplace.

What are Offers?

Offers are the packaged services of our creators or Freelancers. 

There are multiple types of Freelance and Influencer Offers on our Freelance Marketplace: Packaged Offers, Custom Offer, and Buyer Request/Influencer offer. 

Packaged Offers are offered by the Influencer or the Freelancer. Custom Offers are services that may be added to an existing deal, usually added on Buyer's request. 

Most of our Freelancers offer many Freelance services for affordable prices, but you should always review the specific services they offer for the price.

What are the benefits of using QUASA Marketplace?

Quasa Coin TokenWe follow three principles: freedom, guarantee, and security. 

We want anyone, regardless of whether you're Buyer, Influencer, or Freelancer, to be able to make the most out of the deal. 

Plus, we always support our Freelancers to offer multiple Freelance services on their profile, as that makes them more competitive at our Marketplace. The same rule applies to Influencers too.

Wich payment methods are available on QUASA Influencer and Freelance Marketplace?

All money transactions are done via Trust Wallet, Coinbase Wallet and Connect Wallet. You're free to use Crypto Wallet if you want to deposit or withdraw funds in your balance.

Is QUASA Marketplace secure enough?

We don't use any contracts or agreements on QUASA Freelance Marketplace. If you're registered on our platform and have accepted QUASA's terms and conditions, you are free to make deals on QUASA.

This rule applies to buying both Freelance services and Influencer Offers.

Create an account and start making money today 

*This is not a public offer; special terms are applicable. Please, visit our Terms and Conditions page to learn more about the current requirements.