04.12.2021 08:30

Top Data Science Certifications for Data Science Professionals in 2022

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The COVID crisis brought forth numerous eye-opening moments for the Data Science industry in a way that not only shook up systems but also shook up the stockpiled confidence – gained with a decade of successes.

Top Data Science Certifications for Data Science Professionals in 2022With numerous failings amid the crisis – the rising demand for data science professionals – came as a silver lining to the dark clouds. And the demand for data science professionals will be on the rise till 2022.

Yes, you read it right!

The year 2022 will be the year for Data science professionals!

Good news for all those planning a career in data science.

Are you one of them? Then read on to know what roadmap to follow and gear up for a journey to the most lucrative Data Science Career.

Top Data Science Certifications for Data Science Professionals in 2022Online programs, mastering concepts, hands-on real-time projects and you are ready to roll as a Data Science Professional. So sit back and keep reading.

We have hand-picked a few of the best certification and online programs for you to master and get ready for your data science journey. Without a further ado…here you go!

1. MicroMasters Program in Statistics and Data Science from MIT (edX)

A stand-alone Data Science and Statistics Certification program, MicroMasters Program in Statistics and Data Science has been designed by the MIT Institute for Data, Systems, and Society (IDSS) and is delivered by edX.

The aim of the program is to ensure that applicants master the foundations of data science, statistics, and machine learning.

Top Data Science Certifications for Data Science Professionals in 2022The key highlights of the program include:

  1. Participants learn Data analysis techniques, machine learning algorithms to apply them to real-world data sets.
  2. The program features an in-depth introduction to the machine learning concepts from linear models to deep learning through Python projects.
  3. Participants learn to develop and build machine learning algorithms which help them make sense of the unstructured data and gain relevant insights into it.

Duration for the program:

There are five programs in all and two to 16 weeks per program that amounts to 12 to 14 hours per week. To know more visit here.

2. Deep Learning Specialization (Coursera)

Top Data Science Certifications for Data Science Professionals in 2022As Deep learning and machine learning skills increase in demand; it is the right time to get yourself a proficiency in these in-demand skills.

The program designed by deeplearning.ai is ideal for those who are seeking a career in data science with a specialization in deep learning.

The program covers the foundations of Deep Learning along with how to build neural networks and how to lead successful machine learning projects as well.

Top Data Science Certifications for Data Science Professionals in 2022The key highlights of the program include:

  1. The program helps understand the workings of neural networks along with how and why they are made deep.
  2. Participants also learn to build, train, and apply fully connected deep neural networks.
  3. The program will also teach TensorFlow and a variety of optimization algorithms.
  4. You will also be exposed to case studies from healthcare, autonomous driving, reading, sign language, natural language processing.

Duration of the program:

There are five programs in all and the duration of the program is for three months amounting to 11 hours per week. To know more visit here.

3. Senior Data Scientist Certification(SDSTM) by Data Science Council of America (DASCA)

Top Data Science Certifications for Data Science Professionals in 2022For all those who are geekish big data technologists or a firebrand big data analyst then opting for the Senior Data Scientist certification program by Data Science Council of America will be your best bet.

Designed for professionals with five-plus experience in research and analytics thinking of moving into data science.

Industry recognized, the program is the third party, vendor-neutral certification is designed for accomplished data science professionals who seek more challenging and bigger impact roles of data scientists.

Top Data Science Certifications for Data Science Professionals in 2022The key highlights of the program include:

  1. Learn to build longer-lasting sets of skills and a more penetrative Big Data perspective.
  2. The program helps you to develop a strong and complete generic, as well as a platform-based understanding of the concepts, principles, tools, techniques.
  3. You will also get to learn about the technologies of designing, developing, and applying analytics frameworks and utilities required for sharper information management and decision making.
  4. Developed around the DASCA Essential Knowledge Framework (DASCA-EKFTM), the idea is to offer aspiring data scientists a liberal exposure to all important proprietary analytics platforms currently in vogue in the Big Data space.
  5. Last but definitely not the least, SDSTM also paves way for the precious Principal Data Scientist – the top-most international qualification for the data scientists globally.

Duration of the program: The program is a self-study, self-paced certification program with a time period of 180 days to study and give your exam. To know more visit here.

4. Machine Learning Certification by Stanford University (Coursera)

Top Data Science Certifications for Data Science Professionals in 2022Created by world-renowned AI expert Andrew Ng, the Machine Learning Certification by Stanford University offers in-depth knowledge into most effective machine learning techniques and how you can implement them in the real world.

Recognized as one of the best data science programs available online, the program teaches not only the theory of machine learning and statistical pattern recognition but also gain practical knowledge.

Top Data Science Certifications for Data Science Professionals in 2022The key highlights of the program include:

  1. You will get to work with large datasets from numerous fields and in different formats.
  2. Gain the required understanding of parametric and non-parametric algorithms, k-means clustering, dimensionality reduction among other important topics.
  3. With the programming assignments designed to help participants understand how they can implement the learning algorithms in practice.
  4. Exposure to various case studies and applications that teaches how one can apply machine learning algorithms to build smart robots, text understanding, computer vision, and other areas.

Duration of the program:

The entire duration of the program is of 55 hours and it would take approximately 11 weeks for the program if you spend about 5-7 hours a week.  To know more about the program, visit here.

These are some of the best Data Science programs available online for all those interested in a Data Science career.

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