19.01.2022 15:00

Top 5 Ways to Grow Your Business in the Post-Pandemic Era

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Most businesses are focusing on creating a new normal. Leaders are considering the return to work and the advantages of hybrid, in-person and remote models.

Some are also considering the benefits and drawbacks of vaccine mandates. Every CEO must take decisive action. Beyond these hot-button topics, there is still one aspect of running a business that has been requiring attention for years: growth.

During the pandemic, some businesses kept growth at the forefront of their business’s minds. Streaming services and food-delivery apps were the big winners. Many companies reached new heights.

Many others failed or closed their doors. Even major players such as Target and Netflix are beginning to notice a slowing in their record-breaking success. How can leaders avoid financial pitfalls and continue to grow their businesses in the post-pandemic era?

Top 5 Ways to Grow Your Business in the Post-Pandemic Era

Rethink supply chains

Executives must first rethink supply-chain logistics. Supply-chain bottlenecks can lead to delayed shipments, shortages in essential materials, and many other manufacturing problems.

The future of business is now when companies want to succeed they must overcome these issues and look for new ways to partner with suppliers.

This includes enhancing supply-chain resilience, real-time monitoring, transparency, and fully embracing innovative technological solutions. Audit governance, compliance, and risk management are also important. As opposed to waiting for problems to resolve, planning is key to managing supply chains effectively.

Redefine growth

While growth is still important for all businesses, the definition of it has changed. Humanized growth will help businesses excel in this period. Leaders must create value for consumers, business partners, and communities, instead of looking at growth through capital markets and consumers.

Humanized growth requires flexibility in business models and strategies, inclusive approaches to market definitions, and prioritization for people over processes.

Your offerings can be pandemic-proof

To be successful in 2022, you must pivot to some extent. To meet pandemic customers’ needs, businesses temporarily expanded into new areas. For example, distilleries made hand sanitizers while apparel brands created medical masks.

Reacting to the current situation is not enough to ensure long-term success. These businesses also need pandemicproof offers that show consumers how they will provide value over time and not just for the moment. To reinforce the brand’s value, this might mean introducing more expensive products or services.

Don’t think local

Many brick-and-mortar shops made the jump to eCommerce during the pandemic. This move likely stemmed from a desire to better serve local customers. Once a company is online, it becomes a national business.

It might even have global customers. Small businesses must find a way to balance honoring those who helped them build their business and satisfying the needs of new clients.

This can be achieved through stories-driven content that explains how they contribute to their community, and how they can do the same for the neighboring community.

Understand changing value drivers

Businesses must also recognize that market trends and consumer preferences change all the time, not just during a pandemic.

Leaders must adapt to new technology in order to retool their strategy and grow. You will always be moving forward, and winning requires adapting to every change.

Although the post-pandemic age is full of uncertainty, leaders who remain open-minded and agile will see growth as possible.

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