13.01.2025 06:30

The Top 10 Consumer Internet Growth Hacks

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If you plan on growing your company, you already know that its growth is dependent not on a single but on a multitude of factors. It would most necessarily involve branding, marketing, sales, PR and every other innovative gimmick you could come up with. It is always a tedious process and growing a company’s user base is definitely no easy task. 

The Top 10 Consumer Internet Growth HacksThere a great deal of work involved, including making many smart choices, and most importantly it requires a considerable amount of time to achieve. Like many well-established players, advertising agencies have been going down this tried and tested route. But what if your company could bypass these staples and still be able to grow at considerable proportions?

It is not a moonshot anymore, it has become a possibility through a process called “Growth Hacking”. The term takes its name after a similar IT phenomenon albeit in a positive sense.

For businesses, this means creating whole new systems of work which enable for unique ways of growing a brand.

The marker of a company’s success isn’t measured by its profit or long-term investments, rather it is the growth of a company’s brand image that is vital for its success. 

Growth hacking is meant to drastically increase a company’s revenue and the number of its customers.

For the e-commerce industry and the internet in general, growth hacking represents great potential, since the internet provides a wide canvas of opportunity.

Here we have summed up the top 10 growth hacks you can do to boost up your company’s brand profile.

#1 Brand Development

The Top 10 Consumer Internet Growth HacksIt is an essential part of a company to be unique in its outlook, setting it apart from its competitors. Uniqueness refers to a company’s ability to sell their self-tailored identity to the customers, which is a source of desirability and identification. Hacking in this department can bring a great deal of success in terms of brand development.

The prime way of getting along this route is by using social media sites to portray your brand. Things include from making use of stories featured on Instagram to writing detailed Facebook posts of products and services. Make excessive use of promotions via special discounts through promo codes to court new customers.

#2 Target the Loyalists

The concept of targeting users is not old, but targeting your most loyal customer base is a relatively new and rather effective phenomenon. The people who regularly buy your services or use your products, need to be taken special care of. Work towards developing a list of regular users who you believe can become a regular stream of income for your company. 
These loyalists are targeted via special brand emails, referral marketing campaigns and highly tested call to action. In most cases they are given special limited time discounts to upgrade their existing service package or as mentioned before, given promo codes to apply on select offerings.

#3 Personalize Marketing

The Top 10 Consumer Internet Growth HacksOffering a personalized experience to your users is one of those top growth hacking tactics, which will help you fuel your B2B sales.

You probably already are investing heavily in marketing, and considering it the most valuable asset in formation of the identity of your online business. In this pursuit, you have gone far and wide to look for a defining a marketing strategy.

What you haven’t tried doing, is to bring personalization in your marketing. 

Make use of a good website design company to create content that allows the user to have a sense of ownership towards your brand. The user should be able to identify with a product or service that you sell online. It also helps in getting personal information from users, so you can tailor each content specific to their needs.

#4 Ice-Bucket Challenge

As a prominent example, the hugely successful hack used by the ALS foundation raised tremendous funds and awareness for a motor neurone disease research. The foundation initiated a viral scheme by asking the participants to put a bucket full of ice over their own heads, followed by a nomination of their choice. 
This became such a popular growth hack that it spawned thousands of people, especially celebrities to follow pursuit. This resulted in the ALS foundation managing to raise in excess of a staggering $100 million. What’s amazing is that they used online growth hacks to indulge participants in producing an offline activity.

#5 Video Marketing

Video is the new craze, with many video content sites giving you the desired content for your online search. It has become a must-have phenomenon for websites to incorporate video in their posts. Your products will sell themselves when you hack videos to include beautifully produced ads which showcase your services in all their galore. 
To forgo video in your growth hack scheme would be a blunder. Videos have very high engagement, since they tend to summarise details into concise chunks of information. There are at least 7 types of videos you can use to enhance your content marketing. For building trust, it is essential to incorporate video since it showcases a company’s human side, usually not visible through text.

#6 Content with Quality

Every online business is producing tons of content as support for their mainstream services. The hack to apply here is to create content which delivers quality. Question is, what determines quality? There may be a host of factors, but such a content which drives more traffic to your website and gets a higher turnover for your calls for action, is a quality content. 
Studies estimate that content support for businesses shows an increased bondage and sense of ownership for customers with their company. That is probably what is needed for instant growth of your company, quality content that touches on topics related to your offerings which the customers find interesting to delve into.

#7 Social-media Presence

The Top 10 Consumer Internet Growth HacksIf its electronic media, then most probably it is social media that is the deal maker for your organization. The biggest hack you can probably apply to your company’s growth is through social media presence.

Online businesses need to invest heavily in the advertising sector of a social media site. It becomes prominent when considering the impact your Facebook page posts have on user engagement. 

You can use ways to post radically different things about your offerings, which necessarily do not need to relate to your actual services or products. This gives the audience a chance to connect with the company and to know their vision more closely. Moreover, products mentioned here are more likely to come in front of a potential buyer’s eyes than being placed dedicatedly on their own website. So, excessive use of social media marketing is necessary.

#8 Facebook’s Messenger Shift

A couple of years ago, Facebook decided to separate its messaging feature from the main app and launched a new service called Facebook Messenger. There was, however, great reluctance from the audience who thought of the messenger app as an extra burden. Facebook needed to tie its ads services into messenger separately and they wanted their growth to increase on messenger. 
They decided to hack this by slowly phasing out the messaging capability of the main Facebook app over successive updates, with regular warnings to shift to the new app. This stringent decision worked dramatically in their favor as scores of users moved to download the messenger app. It thus exponentially grew the user base of their messaging app.

#9 Social-media Sharing

Despite all the efforts you make to propagate your company and get the message across, you can only do so much. There are limitations which a company cannot tackle. That’s the time when your customers and your loyalists become your spokespersons. The phenomenon of sharing your message across to other potential customers via online word of mouth is important to consider. 
Visibility of your products is important and that can only happen when others share as well. Ask them to review and give them incentives for sharing your brand on social media sites. This will enhance your chances of wider audience accessibility.

#10 Keywords with Long Tails

The Top 10 Consumer Internet Growth HacksMost online businesses which have their own website and a blog play with keyword optimization. It is the essence of spreading your company’s branding across to potential customers.

Getting your website higher in the search results is essential for attaining maximum clicks on your site, or even getting searched at all. A hack for this is to introduce long keywords. 

This is because these are not common in the market and are less likely to be used by competitors. What this does is rank your website higher up in the search results more consistently. It translates to greater chances of being searched by the users than by using short and concise keywords.

So, how to use these consumer Internet growth hacks?

A company’s rapid growth is not only applying a hack but a necessity in today’s cut-throat competition. It is a wise wit decision to incorporate innovative ideas to stand out from the crowd. Otherwise, your company will most likely drift into oblivion. This is not just a matter of being successful, rather a matter of staying alive. It is a no-brainer to not incorporate hacks in order to grow your company, because they are a necessity. 
Keep finding the best ways and the innovations you come across. It is not copying rather it’s the inspiration you gain from already established ideas. They can be of others and they can be ones that you have a proprietary right on. So, get your head down and come up with ideas to grow your business to new heights.

There are many growth hacking examples you can get inspired for your brand. But, be careful, you don't want to just copy-paste a growth hack. You still want to study your market, your target audience, etc... Even if it can give you an advantage if you can code when doing your job as a growth hacker, you also need to know there are many growth hacking tools at your disposition to automate your tasks.

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