30.10.2022 10:50

Proven Web Design Tips to Fuel Your Business Growth

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It’s essential for businesses today to have an online presence. So you’ll need a website; one that will attract more prospects and customers. The challenge is, how can you accomplish such a goal?

A while back, it was costly to create a website that was slow and clunky. Those times are over. You now can launch a fabulous website without breaking your budget. First, you need to have a website that can attract visitors and be user friendly as well. This will require some impressive design for customers to see your product and services in the best possible light. A badly designed site can cost you potential customers.

Here are 12 proven web design tips to fuel your business growth:

1. Define your objectives and action plan

Proven Web Design Tips to Fuel Your Business GrowthStart with a program that will satisfy visitors’ needs and convert them to customers.

So consider developing a strategy that will include:

  • Making your visitors immediately aware of the products or services you offer.
  • Knowing how many web pages you’ll need.
  • Deciding what content to include.
  • Choosing calls-to-action (CTAs) powerful enough to convert visitors to leads and customers.

By incorporating these steps in your website, your engagement rate with visitors will go up.

2. ‘Steal’ design ideas from your competitors

While you want to stand out from the competition, studying your rivals’ websites can help you design a better one.

Proven Web Design Tips to Fuel Your Business GrowthHere are some tips on how to conduct your research:

1. Define your design objective

Each design feature has a specific use. For example, do you want a page that presents a single item or multiple ones? Also, consider the functionality of such a design. You can’t base your decisions on the ‘cool factor’ alone. Instead, every design element should contribute to the primary goal of growing your business.

2. Ensure you based your decisions on established criteria

Don’t lose your objectivity in choosing which design element to use. So consider setting standards that are objective in order to remove any likelihood of personal bias.

3. Avoid doing an exact copy

It’s not wise to exactly copy a design feature, especially if you have no idea of its functions. It’s also possible that such an element may not work for your website. Instead, consider how such a feature can help satisfy your audience. You can then customize it for your website.

4. Consider users’ input about your design

Ultimately, only your visitors can decide if the website’s design is valid or not. The best way to know what features will work is by A/B testing. It’s a process where you release two options. Based on the users’ reaction, you adopt the one favored by most.

3. Introduce white space and clean up your website

White space is often underused but can be powerful. This is one of the 11 design principles to apply to your website to increase conversion. Leaving sections of your website blank gives the impression of a clean look and improves the readability of your content. It also allows engagement because visitors can immediately focus on your content. Capturing their attention is crucial because most visitors have attention spans of less than 10 seconds. As well as short and engaging content, consider adding suitable photos and images.

If your website still looks cluttered or is slow in loading, consider removing:

  • Complex animations.
  • Substantial but unnecessary content and data files.
  • Large images or pictures.

One website designer, DeType, cautions the heavy use of videos and social media. They are great for marketing but do little to enhance your brand’s credibility. Also, consider refraining from using industry jargon and terminology that could confuse your visitors. Furthermore, avoid using clichés and overused words because the audience may find it difficult to believe what you’re saying.

4. Enthral visitors with your attractive fonts and typography

Proven Web Design Tips to Fuel Your Business GrowthChoosing the right fonts can help improve the readability of your content. One tip to remember is to use bold text sparingly; save this for significant statements. For headings, use larger size but light fonts. Most people skim read, so, if your site has plenty of content, consider using subheadings and make paragraphs shorter. For longer pages, use a summary.

Don’t ignore the content’s typography; namely, the case and hierarchy. For example, use upper case only for the heading or if you want to emphasize certain words. However, if all your content is in upper case, the audience will find it hard to read. It will also look unprofessional, and some readers may even conclude that you’re angry.

5. Encourage your audience to buy using color

The use of color, if used wisely, can elicit an appropriate response from your target market. It can attract and engage your visitors based on its meaning and connotation.

Blue stands for:

  • Strength.
  • Proficiency.
  • Trust.

These qualities are the reason why many businesses, such as banks, include this colour in their logo.

Proven Web Design Tips to Fuel Your Business GrowthGreen symbolizes:

  • Agreement.
  • Cash.
  • Development.
  • Environment.

It also represents medicine. which is why many hospitals use it. 

Orange is a symbol for:

  • Delight and joy.
  • Exuberance.
  • Sunshine.

Red is a dominant colour representing:

  • Passion.
  • Vitality.
  • Fire.
  • Prominence.

6. Enhance your website’s appeal with the right images

Photos can attract visitors to your website provided that they are the right kind. You don’t have to pay for the photos because you can obtain them online free of charge. However, choose only those that are appropriate for your website.

If you want visitors to relate to your company, consider using real photos of your products, employees and place of business. This will create an impression to visitors that they are dealing with real people. Therefore, consider incorporating a sense of realism in your website design and content.

7. Make it easy for users to navigate your site

One of the primary objectives of web design is to enhance the user experience. The best place to start is the navigation menu. This is the map that will lead visitors to your pages. However, if the menu is unclear and the site is a mess, people may decide to leave. So ensure that your site’s menu is clearly worded and is intuitive.

It’s essential to have a user-friendly navigation menu. It helps visitors quickly find what they are looking for in your pages. However, if the menu is hard to use, potential customers may find it more convenient to go to your competitors’ sites.

8. Use SEO and create content that will appeal to your audience

Proven Web Design Tips to Fuel Your Business GrowthSearch engine optimization (SEO) is critical if you want to rank and boost your site’s traffic.

Starting with the URL:

  • Use a static URL because it’s easier to read compared to a dynamic one. Search engines such as Google prefer a static URL over a dynamic one for SEO purposes.
  • Ensure that you’re using hyphens (-) instead of underscores (_). Google has a strange way of interpreting words with underscores. For example, it interprets ‘these_are_cool_websites’ as ‘thesearecoolwebsites’; making it harder to understand.
  • Consider keeping it short but descriptive and relevant.
  • Include at least one keyword.

Digital marketing can enhance your business growth completely. Consider developing your buyer persona first and then write content that is suitable for such an audience. Also, consider making it conversational in order to engage potential customers. This means writing ‘like a human’ as if you’re talking to a person. You want to create insightful content for your readers. Make your website a resource, not an ad.

9. Speed up your site’s loading speed

Proven Web Design Tips to Fuel Your Business GrowthOnline users today will not tolerate slow loading websites. Around 25% of users will leave if a website takes more than four seconds to load.

Fortunately, you can optimize the loading speed by:

  • Using the minimum amount of data and images.
  • Removing unneeded files and features.
  • Using online tools to monitor and help speed up your site.

10. Ensure that your website is mobile friendly

This is essential since Google has now given priority to mobile sites over desktop ones. For companies catering to the younger generation, it’s imperative to have one since they are the primary users of mobile devices.

11. Use CTAs to guide customers to your landing page

Proven Web Design Tips to Fuel Your Business GrowthCTAs consist of a word or phrase that can convince the reader to take the desired action. You often see them in the form of a clickable object such as a button or a link. By clicking on a CTA, the visitor will buy your product or services, download, read or subscribe to your content.

Consider the following tips for your CTA:

  • While many CTAs are often seen on the top, you can place one at the bottom so long as the directions are clear.
  • Make it short and direct.
  • Use verbs that encourage visitors to take action, such as ‘download’.
  • Mention the benefits to users.
  • Ensure to guide visitors to your CTA, such as placing it in the middle of white space.
  • Avoid irritating visitors by keeping the use of pop-ups and long animation to a minimum. 
  • Ensure that every page has a CTA.
  • Conduct A/B tests to see if the CTAs are effective.

Now is the time for you to work on your CTAs: make sure you use of CTAs effectively and we can assure you that you will increase your sales.

12. Increase awareness of your brand through social media

Social media is a powerful online tool for boosting your brand. By posting your content and its links on social platforms such as Facebook, you can increase website traffic and brand awareness.

Showing social proof is another great way to increase confidence in your brand. So consider adding testimonials and reviews from your social networks to your website.

Final Thoughts on Web Design Tips that Fuel Business Growth

The tips mentioned above can help you designed a website that attracts and engages visitors. It also helps make your brand visible and achieves more sales. Indeed, there's an undeniable impact of web design on your online sales. However, many people don’t realize that one approach may not suit every website. So it’s essential to have a website designed for your product that matches your customers’ needs. Don’t worry if you don’t get the optimum results at the first try; you’ll no doubt achieve your sales goals even if it takes several attempts.

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