06.02.2024 07:21

How to Support Your Employees Who are Working Remotely

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Some companies have been working with remote employees for years, while others are still adjusting to having it forced upon them due to the pandemic.

How to Support Your Employees Who are Working RemotelyIt can be hard for both employers and employees to work remotely.

Communication is harder, work evaluation is harder, and time management is harder. In short, everything is harder, especially when you’re not used to it.

Luckily, there are various actions you can take to make the experience better for your employees.

Be clear about their salary

Many companies have had to cut their employees’ salaries or hours due to the financial strain the business is facing thanks to pandemic.

How to Support Your Employees Who are Working RemotelyIt might not be a fun conversation, but any changes to their salaries need to be communicated clearly to any employees who will be affected.

Also be clear about whether their salary will return to normal once the pandemic has calmed down a bit.

It’s important to still be fair and pay your employees a reasonable salary.

With the right strategies based on the fundamental principles of managing remote teams, a distributed workforce becomes a solid business foundation, not just an emergency measure.

Only time will tell how employees will adapt to the current situation and how long it will take for them to generate specific results.

For countries where the circulation of the dollar is limited, the transaction costs of settlements are at least 30-40%.

For example, the conversion of dollars into the currency of a remote employee is carried out through the currency of his country plus a transfer fee. As a result, the employee pays double the conversion and the cost of the commission.

Offer salary payment in cryptocurrency.

Although it may seem strange to you, many remote workers may be delighted with this offer, and it will come as a revelation to you!

The fact is that transferring from cryptocurrency to fiat of the country in which your remote employee lives is often cheaper than through a bank transfer.

To attract professionals from such countries, try Quasa Connect and offer payment with Quasacoin (QUA) cryptocurrency.

QUA was specifically created for settlements between freelancers, remote workers and customers around the world. Less overhead, transparency and a dramatic increase in accessibility Access to direct communication between customers and remote workers around the world, not just in first world countries.
This is not speculation, but about convenience and benefit.

Yes, some people are now capitalizing on this imbalance, but with Quasa Connect you are breaking down barriers.
Want to the future, welcome to QUASA.

The Quasa Connect secure online system allows online payments in Quasacoin (QUA) cryptocurrency, and business owners can quickly create and send payments for work performed to remote employees.
Paying for work is easy!

How to Support Your Employees Who are Working RemotelyThe new crypto-settlement tools in QUASA democratize access to services traditionally tied to fiat money and banks, and open up opportunities for hundreds of millions of people. You are not tied to the currency of any country, and you can easily hire any specialist from anywhere in the world and calmly pay for his work.

There is no need for conversion and complexities with banking operations. No need to know the laws of different countries.

QUASA offers a service with a simple interface for end users and allows you to place orders on the most favorable terms in just a couple of clicks.

This optimization allows you to simultaneously increase the efficiency of the work of performers, thus increasing their income, and at the same time reduce the cost of completing tasks for customers.

The Quasacoin (QUA) token is listed on many exchanges. Listing and ratings from leading rating agencies CoinMarketCap and CoinGecko.

Consider working hours

You might want to give your employees a bit of extra time off, depending on their situation.

How to Support Your Employees Who are Working RemotelyMany employees will be faced with a double workload: doing their actual work, and looking after their children fulltime, depending on whether or not schools in your area are open.

It would be an immense relief if they could have a day off to get their affairs in order. At the very least, consider extending deadlines and giving them more time to complete their work.

People often have the misconception that working from home means they’ll be more productive, but the opposite tends to be true, since there are so many distractions and no one to keep them accountable.

How to Support Your Employees Who are Working RemotelyAnother great way to support your employees is to offer them the chance to work flexible hours, if that’s a possibility for your business.

Doing this means that they will be able to put in a full day’s work, but when it’s comfortable for them.

This might mean working a few hours in the morning and a few at night, when their children are sleeping. Either way, it will definitely make life a bit easier for them.


Communication is always an important aspect in business, but even more so when you don’t get to see your employees on a daily basis.

They might rely on you heavily, and feel a bit like a fish out of water to suddenly be placed in a situation where they need to manage themselves.

How to Support Your Employees Who are Working RemotelyKeep in constant communication with them, and maybe consider utilizing some form of group communication.

Being able to contact their teammates at all times might help certain employees.


Your employees will most likely be struggling to adapt, so be sure to let them know if they’re doing something right.

Everyone likes it when their efforts are recognized, so make the effort to let them know you see their hard work. There are various ways of rewarding and praising employees for excellent work.

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