26.06.2024 11:30

Growth Hacking Your Business Blog: 5 Top Tips

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Having a blog is ideal for your digital marketing; you get SEO benefits, can draw in potential leads, and have a platform to show your knowledge and expertise in the field. But if no one is reading your blog, is it really as effective as it could be?

Growth Hacking Your Business Blog: 5 Top TipsGrowing your business blog audience can be done with some time and patience. Below, we share five expert business blogging tips to boost your blog traffic.

5 Top Business Blogging Tips for Driving Growth

1. Know Your Targets

You may have lots of valuable information to share, but if you don’t know who you are writing for, you won’t know how to present your content in the way that will appeal to your target audience.

As with all of your inbound marketing, you want to be as detailed as possible when it comes to describing your target persona. Where do they work? Do they have children? Once you flesh out all of the information you can about your ideal reader, you can start developing content they will be more likely to read and engage with.

2. Get Social

Social media is probably one of the best – and easiest – channels through which to distribute your content and grow your audience. If you don’t already have them, set up accounts on Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn at least.

Find other companies that complement what you do and start connecting with them. Follow them, like their content, and share with your network.

Growth Hacking Your Business Blog: 5 Top TipsAvoid spamming other brands with your promotional content. Instead, you want to pique their interest and the interest of your shared audience with the insight you bring to the table. You’ll definitely want to upload your posts to sites with blog platforms like LinkedIn, which offers you an excellent chance to bring in fresh eyes.

3. Partner Up

Another effective business blogging tip is to develop a mutually-beneficial partnership with another business. Connecting with other brands can lay the foundation for a mutually beneficial partnership.

Running promotions or special offers with a complementary company can help get your brand in front of an audience that is already interested in what you offer. This can be as simple as working together to promote each other’s posts on Facebook, or offering a joint contest that both brands share with their immediate networks.

4. Tell Your Network

Growth Hacking Your Business Blog: 5 Top TipsEven if you are starting a brand new blog, you have an existing network somewhere. This may mean reaching out to your personal network to let them know that you will now be sharing your expert tips, or simply letting your existing customers know that you will be offering even more resources for them to access.

You can use your social media accounts to broadcast this information, and absolutely take advantage of your mailing list. Posts can be condensed to fit into newsletters, which will encourage your audience to read more and share your content.

5. Have an Offer

Growth Hacking Your Business Blog: 5 Top TipsPeople love free stuff. Tempt them to hand over their email address so you can continue to share your content with them by offering them a unique product, service, or discount—that they can only access by sharing contact information.

Ebooks and online courses can be excellent options to entice interest and are a way to show just how valuable you are as a resource.

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