07.02.2022 12:30

Everything You Need to Know About Energy Management

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Everything You Need to Know About Energy ManagementManagement and control of energy are essential when it comes to running a business. Reducing energy usage can decrease your overheads and thus help you save money. Here is what you need to know about energy management and how to apply an energy management strategy in your company.

What is energy management?

Energy consumption and usage need to be monitored and managed to ensure its efficiency and the success of your business.

However, businesses overlook the benefits of managing energy usage and saving money. But due to ever-increasing energy costs and government regulations that stress businesses to reduce their carbon footprint and emissions, businesses must take action and implement energy management strategies.

A plan of action can improve how energy is being consumed in your business and also help in reducing your carbon footprint. So let’s look at some measures that you can take.

How to apply an energy management strategy?

Everything You Need to Know About Energy ManagementIf you want your energy management to be successful, you should tailor it according to the size and type of your business. Small businesses have little resources, so their energy management will differ from large businesses with multiple sites, thus having complex energy usage.

1) Hire an energy manager

The first step should be to hire an energy manager. They will be responsible for managing how your business uses energy. If your business is small and on a budget, you can select an employee responsible for the additional energy management tasks.

Energy managers will ensure that your business is consuming energy efficiently, resulting in money savings in the long run.

There are various ways in which they do this. But first, they conduct an energy audit to assess the way gas and electricity for business are being used currently and to identify areas that can be improved.

Everything You Need to Know About Energy ManagementAfter which targets for energy reduction can be set, and an energy management strategy can be created to implement improvements.

In addition to the energy manager, the owners, directors, and other senior managers need to be involved from the start in the process and create awareness among employees to take part in helping the business reach its target actively.

2) Create an energy management strategy

After an initial audit of energy usage and costs, the energy manager will implement improvements to enhance efficiency. To do this, they need to create an energy management strategy, which outlines the steps that need to be taken to reduce energy usage and achieve energy efficiency targets.

The document should include:Everything You Need to Know About Energy Management

  • Owner’s endorsement for implementing energy management strategy to ensure that the new plan has their support.
  • Vision and goals of the business according to energy management
  • How the strategy will be integrated and implemented in the business and its effects in daily work.
  • Evidence of resource availability that will meet the targets
  • Written roles and responsibilities of every member involved
  • Written strategy which outlines the steps that will be taken to reduce energy usage

Benefits of energy management

Everything You Need to Know About Energy ManagementBy adopting a systematic plan of action to manage energy, you can significantly improve energy efficiency, reduce energy bills and carbon emissions. Not only that, but your business can also have an environmentally concision image that will attract more consumers.

With a good energy management strategy, you can ensure continual improvements and find it easier to achieve energy goals. Investing in energy management in your business can benefit you a lot.

How is a remote team beneficial for your business and employees?

2020 saw a drastic change in our daily lives. The pandemic affected the energy aspect of our lives. The same is the case with business and the great impact it had on them.

Due to the pandemic, the need for a remote team came into existence. But it is something that companies find beneficial for their business.

Everything You Need to Know About Energy ManagementThis is why many companies are continuing remote working for their employees even in 2021. There are various benefits that remote teams offer for businesses as well as employees. Continue reading to find out the advantages of remote teams.

Advantages of remote teams

1) It saves energy and costs

The remote team allows for significant savings on various things, including energy bills, furniture, appliances, office equipment, building maintenance, cleaning, and real estate costs.

Office space requires business energy for lighting, heating, cooling system, and office equipment to function. So remote working can be efficient and cost-effective for many businesses, and the savings can be invested to better the business.

2) Allows for a larger talent pool

Everything You Need to Know About Energy ManagementRemote working opens up ways to talent as you are no longer limited due to location. If you have remote teams, then you can hire new employees from all around the world. This widens the area and allows you to find employees who are best suitable for the job.

Moreover, with remote working, valued employees no longer have to resign if they are moving away. You also do not have to move your business to a larger workplace to accommodate new employees, thus allowing you to expand your team easily.

3) Enhances productivity

Advanced technology has made it possible for remote teams to stay connected and productive even when working from home.

Communication software allows ease of communication and video conferencing for team and client meetings. Moreover, the project management tools allow the employees to work efficiently and meet deadlines easily. Since working from home offers more flexibility and reduces workplace distraction, employees may work more productively.

4) Offers flexible working

Everything You Need to Know About Energy ManagementIn addition to the benefits mentioned above, remote working also allows greater flexibility in working.

Employees no longer have to commute to work daily and go through all the hassle of traffic jams, arriving to work on time and saving fuel costs. They can have flexible routines when they are most productive, thus getting the work done more easily and efficiently.

This type of setup is particularly most beneficial for people with children. Moreover, remote working improves work-life balance and keeps employees satisfied with the job, thus allowing them to be more productive. It helps to retain employees.

Flexible working jobs are also more attractive to people looking for jobs and thus will help you recruit new talents for your team easily.

In a nutshell

Everything You Need to Know About Energy ManagementRemote teams benefit not only companies but also their employees. It helps in improving productivity and thus increases the company’s bottom line.
Not only that, you can save a lot of the business’s money by saving the costs needed for running an office space and reducing energy usage to invest that money for improving your business.

Remote working will also help you expand your team and include the best talents in the field from all around the world. So remote teams are something that every business should think about.

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