05.02.2024 11:30

Copywriting: Writing Texts To Generate Sales

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Copywriting: Writing Texts To Generate SalesThe copywriting or persuasive writing is at the core of all marketing strategies. Words convey the essence of the brand to us, make us imagine a new world within our reach and, ultimately, encourage us to buy.

Writing sales-generating texts is part science and part art, and like any other skill going rate for children’s book illustrators, it can be learned by practicing the basics. We tell you the keys to copywriting that converts.

12 keys to generating sales with copywriting

1) Know the product and the customer

Good copywriting should always start from good research.

In order to adequately present the virtues of a product or a brand, we have to know in depth how it works and what needs it solves. In the same way, we also have to know perfectly who we are addressing, what is the problem that it seeks to solve and what are the common objections to our product or service. 

2) Find the right length

Copywriting: Writing Texts To Generate SalesWriting  texts of the appropriate length  is another key to  seducing and convincing . Sometimes a single sentence is enough, while at other times we will have to write many pages. We cannot make the reader think that they are wasting their time, but neither can we fail to give them the information they need to convince themselves.

As a general rule, you have to think about whether we are addressing a client who needs a solution NOW and who can act more or less impulsively (in which case a short text is more appropriate) or if, on the contrary, they are not in a hurry and want to Compare several options before buying (a longer text would be better here). 

3) Write for the medium you are targeting

Writing  a script for a television spot is not the same as  writing a  podcast  or  blog post .

In general, if we go to the internet, we have to take into account two fundamental aspects:

·         The  SEO . It does not make sense to fill a text with keywords without rhyme or reason, but we should be clear for which terms we are looking to position and include them at least in the titles and subtitles.

·         The  structure . Most Internet users scan the texts instead of reading them in depth, so it is necessary to divide them into sections and use resources such as bold and bullet points or bullet points.

 4) Talk about the benefits

Copywriting: Writing Texts To Generate SalesThe classic example: “1GB of storage” sounds a lot less impressive than “1000 songs in your pocket.” The reader-client does not want us to talk to them about the technical specifications of the product, but about  the ways in which it can improve their life . 

5) Think about the emotions you want to provoke

The  copywriting is  not limited to present rational arguments to buy a product, but seeks to connect at a deeper level and encourage the reader to perform a certain action.

Therefore, when you are considering writing texts to generate sales, first think about  what emotion you want to provoke : inspire the reader to give the best of himself? Make him smile? Make him decide to solve an annoying problem of Once for all? 

6) Include a clear CTA

The fundamental objective of copywriting is persuasion, that is, to convince the reader to do something. To have a chance of success, we must clearly state what that “something” is through  a call to action : “Sign up now”, “Follow us on Twitter”, “Talk to our X experts”. The reader cannot read your mind and needs you to make things as clear as possible so ask and it will be granted!

7) Transmits closeness

Copywriting: Writing Texts To Generate SalesThe  copywriting  seeks to generate a  connection  to the potential customer, make him feel that headed directly to him. Therefore, our words have to convey that proximity.

A simple but very effective resource to generate closeness is the use of “you”. Talking face-to-face establishes a direct connection with readers and encourages dialogue between both parties.

Another way to get closer to the audience is through  storytelling . When you tell a story, you make the reader identify with the protagonist and feel part of your brand.

8) Do A / B tests

Copywriting, like everything else in marketing, is capable of being optimized through data. If you want to know if something works, you have to try it! For example, you can send two newsletters with two different copies to different user groups and see which one gets the most clicks. Dare to try daring ideas and analyze the results. 

9) be honest

Users are more than used to consuming advertising and they know perfectly well when they are being deceived. And even if you do achieve your goal, promising more than you can deliver is always counterproductive. As David Ogilvy said, you have to write as if the reader were your partner, since you would never want to cheat on her.

10) Use more verbs and fewer adjectives

One of the most annoying “vices” of copywriting is the abuse of adjectives: everything is unique, great, exclusive and wonderful. But this type of resource ends up tiring the reader and producing the opposite effect as desired.

Instead, try writing texts focused on  action verbs , such as “discover” or “you will learn.” The result will be more credible and effective copies. 

11) Include testimonials

Copywriting: Writing Texts To Generate SalesTestimonials bring the power of social proof and get readers to picture themselves using your products. Simply put, you are more likely to generate sales when potential customers can see that other people have already tried that product and liked it. 

12) Check before posting

Writing texts requires a lot of work and effort, so don’t ever mess it up with a mistake! The last key to good copywriting is to thoroughly review the final text before publishing.

Ideally, you should entrust this work to a professional proofreader, but if that is not possible, at least make sure to let the text rest for a long time before reviewing it. This way you will see it with different eyes and it will be easier for you to detect faults.

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