22.04.2022 13:30

Connected Cars: The Future of Road Safety (Infographic)

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connected-cars-the-future-of-road-safetyIn this article, we explore how innovative connected car technology is revolutionising the automotive industry in 2022.

Connected Cars: A Definition 

Connected cars (or “smart vehicles”) are vehicles that have internet access. This internet connectivity facilitates the sharing of information between the car itself and other connected cars, road infrastructure, pedestrians, the cloud and devices located both inside and outside the vehicle. They are part of the “internet of things” (IoT) which refers to everyday objects that are connected to each other through the internet.

 The Rise of Connected Cars

These days almost every new car that is sold around the world features some form of connected technology. Gartner estimate that in just three years there will more than 300 million cars on the road with wireless network connectivity. The phenomenal growth of connected cars is transforming the automotive industry as we know it, causing leading manufacturers to increasingly focus their efforts on driving innovations in this area. In fact, McKinsey project that the value of the global market for connectivity components and services will rise from €30 billion in 2014 to €170 billion by 2020. Peter Schroer, the CEO of Aras, summed it up neatly when he quipped that “Today’s automotive industry has turned into a data centre on wheels…”

What Are the Different Types of Connectivity?

Experts have identified five different types of car connectivity, these include:

  1. Vehicle to Infrastructure (V2I)
  2. Vehicle to Vehicle (V2V)
  3. Vehicle to Cloud (V2C)
  4. Vehicle to Pedestrian (V2P)
  5. Vehicle to Everything (V2X)

A New Frontier in Road Safety Technology

Connected car technology has the potential to significantly enhance road safety for all road users. This is because this technology allows devices to share vital information (e.g. about road and weather conditions) that could help prevent accidents. What’s more, this technology could lead to greater diagnostics efficiency and the automation of car maintenance and this could also contribute to improved road safety by enabling the early detection of potentially dangerous vehicle issues.

Additional Benefits 

  • “Today, you’ll find an intense focus on how we stay connected with the world outside when we’re behind the wheel—that is, while we still need steering wheels. Our vehicles were once our cocoons, insulating us from the world outside, but now we demand vehicles that include a host of new experiences and connectivity features—and we’re all along for the ride.”
  • In addition to innovative safety features, increased connectivity could help improve the in-car experience for drivers and passengers alike. For example, it could help to improve navigation and ease congestion through the sharing of information about road traffic. Another major bonus for car users is the improvement of in-car entertainment by allowing for improved smartphone connectivity.

What Are the Challenges Associated with Connected Car Technology?

While today’s automotive companies are making significant advancements in the realm of connected technologies, there are still a number of key challenges that need to be resolved. Some of the most pressing issues include hackability, data protection, safety, and getting consumer buy-in for additional billing.

Discover More About the Rise of Connected Cars

If you are interested in the subject of connected cars and would like to learn more, then we recommend that you check out the below infographic which comes courtesy of the team at Woodstock Motors. This super informative guide offers an easy-to-understand explainer of the basics of connected cars and looks at some of the key benefits and challenges associated with this technology.

Scroll down to the infographic below to find out more about connected cars.

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