01.03.2022 10:30

Actions to Create Online Opportunities in the Industrial Sector

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Opening new business opportunities through the Internet can be a challenge for companies in the industrial sector, the demand and evolution of the digital environment stop many companies that prefer not to “get complicated” and stay in the most basic actions without planning Determined and clear to the online market.

Actions to Create Online Opportunities in the Industrial SectorNew business models and operational strategies are allowing industries to compete with rivals internationally, but to do so effectively, each industry needs to focus on some aspects of digital marketing that allows them to show and highlight their differential value.

It is not about covering more than you can, but focusing on taking firm steps towards a strategy that allows you to grow on the internet increasing the possibilities of new business and sales.

In such a changing, frantic and competitive market, it is not enough for a company’s website to serve as an online catalog of products and services, but it must be the center of operations and the gateway to drive visitors towards the next steps of your process of buying your products and services. Check now our guide on business digitalization in the industrial sector

It is not enough to buy lists of emails, in addition to having the same list as your competition, they are usually bad collections with little success, instead, build your own list of leads based on what interests you most about you, you can buy lists and It may be an initial point, but it is not the ideal way to reach your potential client.

Actions to Create Online Opportunities in the Industrial SectorAt present, the clothing manufacturers web pages of industrial companies have a triple objective: to offer a permanent marketing channel every day and at all times, it must allow the generation of appropriate contacts with which to start working on sales opportunities and also has to favor construction of customer relationships.

It seems easy to say but it can be a challenge, for that reason you should consider some actions that will help you build your strategy for lead generation in the industrial sector.

So you can face a new digital strategy or review the one you have, we leave you some key actions that will help you create new business opportunities through the internet in your company.

Customer Adaptation                                                                                                                               

Actions to Create Online Opportunities in the Industrial SectorMarketing begins with the knowledge of our prospects or potential customers.  It is vitally important to understand what questions you have or what problems you want to solve and that is why you have reached your website.  Do your visitors need to reduce hiring costs? Are you interested in a new product or new technique in the market? 

Are you looking for a specific reference or a very specific product that you make? The cach individual problem of your visitors should be associated with a range of content to help you solve your challenges and that this should give yourself to change any more information, such as email to subscribe to your newsletter and receive more information.

Try to Position Yourself as a Leader in Your Custom Clothing Sector

Once the potential clients increase their knowledge, they learn about their problem and about the possible solutions that exist in the market, usually they look or remember those sellers who aligned themselves with them and helped them solve their challenges. In order for you to differentiate yourself from your competition, you will have to focus on developing high-value content for your prospects such as white papers, guides, examples, market studies that show the added value of the products or services you offer. By focusing not only on what you do differently but why your path is the best, you set the professional level of the conversation with your leads.

Message and Channel Communication Control with the Client

Actions to Create Online Opportunities in the Industrial SectorIdentify your ideal person or target buyer of your online strategy, it is the first critical stage, to connect with your audience, identify well who are on a personal, professional and learning habits on the Internet, what information they consume and what media they use.

The message must be aligned with your audience to try to reach them by calling their attention to something of value.

Plan your funnel in the sales process, at the top of the funnel your leads are aware of a problem and try to get more information, continuous and proper contact tracking can help move leads through the funnel, even If they are not ready to commit to buying you yet.  When they reach the decision phase they will be prepared and you too.

It is essential to avoid generic messages when communicating with leads, trying to create a trustworthy environment requires creating empathy. The only way to do this is to understand your audience and express that understanding in communications. Every piece of text you use should focus on hearing, so when these people enter your sales process they will feel you know them and you will be able to create new business opportunities.

Strengthen Your Position on the Mobile

According to studies conducted by Google, 42% of people with decision-making power in business between companies used mobile devices during the purchase process.  The professional use of mobile phones shows the challenges faced by buyers who must make more complex decisions more quickly. For this reason, your digital presence must be optimized for the mobile web, if not, your potential customers will not be able to access or act on their offers when they need it. Set up your website to be 100% mobile, on the desktop it will surely look good.

Customer Experience Customization

Actions to Create Online Opportunities in the Industrial SectorPotential customers respond differently to different communication methods, it is possible that certain actions that work with a group of leads may not work for others, in some cases, it may be necessary to adopt a different approach to attract different types of audiences. Segment your contact list well and try to generate unique and valuable experiences for each segment based on their priorities and reaching them in the middle and place that they find most comfortable.

Take Advantage of the Power of Video

The same Google studies determine that 70% of potential B2B buyers watched videos during the purchase decision process.  The video content is powerful and flexible, and almost half of the managers with purchase decision 30 minutes or more per month. At the top of the conversion funnel, a well-prepared one-minute video can be more effective by helping your contacts to better understand the pre-production of your products or the added value that your production offers, current technology is helping Spread the power of video.

Keep in Touch

Actions to Create Online Opportunities in the Industrial SectorThe frequency of the message is another factor that you should consider. There are several ways to classify contacts using lead scoring, assigning different score values ​​according to the level of interaction and contact points that your leads have, that way you create different action strategies with them, according to the level of information they have, the relationship level and the point of the purchase trip where they are.

It is important to maintain frequent contact in different ways, stay with the contact in the growth of their knowledge towards the resolution of their problems, challenges or concerns.

To be Consistent

On average seven contact interactions with the seller are needed before you can become a customer. However, these seven interactions can take place in multiple media, today the relationships are multichannel from phone to email, through videos, seminars or social networks. Therefore you must have a solid and homogeneous message on all channels, it is about building trust, credibility and convincing contactors that your company is the best option to meet your needs.

Build Brand on Linkedin

Actions to Create Online Opportunities in the Industrial SectorA strategy dispersed in social networks can do more harm than good for companies in the industrial sector. 

Social media business use research shows that LinkedIn is a leader in the generation of business opportunities between companies, generating around 60% of leads from social media compared to 30% of Twitter or 25% of Facebook.  Social traffic is valuable, and if you only have resources to concentrate on a network, choose LinkedIn for lead generation.

Companies in the industrial sector face a special challenge when it comes to generating interest and impact towards their manufacturing or development processes, they want to show their innovations and added value. That noise around the brand must translate into online sales benefits that can be shown at the managerial level.

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