14.04.2025 06:30

7 Tips for Getting High-Quality Images from Drone

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7 Tips for Getting High-Quality Images from DroneOne way to create interesting and unusual photos is to search for new perspectives. It can be a change of emotional or cultural environment, or you can change the angle of view and look at the world around us in a new way.

Everyday places and scenes become fresh when we begin to look at them from the point from which we had never seen before. One option is shooting from the air or rather using a drone.

Those who practice this claim that they were initially skeptical of this, considering it to be entertainment, but gradually begin to come across more and more amazing images.

Experienced photographers from AeroFlyDrones.com give some tips, which we will give below.

7 Tips for Getting High-Quality Images from Drone

Practice flying

7 Tips for Getting High-Quality Images from DroneIt is important that you steadily control your drone. This is important so that you focus on shooting, and not on resolving issues of how not to crash into a tree or fall into a pond.

Familiarize yourself with all the functions and settings of the aircraft, especially with the control settings.

If your drone supports changing the control configuration, then try different options to understand which is more convenient.

Also check out any alternative flight modes to help you.

Learn how to level the drone, because it can sometimes take unusual positions, while the horizon in the pictures will be indirect. We will have to take measures to correct the situation.

Do not forget to prepare equipment in advance. Make sure that all batteries are charged (and you have one or two spare), the firmware has been updated, the tablet or phone will not be discharged at an unnecessary moment, cables for connection are available.

Find beautiful places

7 Tips for Getting High-Quality Images from DroneMany places that seem unappealing at first glance can sparkle with new colors when shooting from the air, but it is better to prepare in advance.

For example, Google Maps will help you discover places that could be attractive for aerial photography. You essentially get a preview of what you will take pictures.

Experienced photographers note that they get great success when they make small trips out of town. Start exploring. Stop often, note everything in its path.

As with traditional photography, take your time. Shooting at the golden hour will make the shots from the drones magnificent, while the long shadows at the same time look especially dramatic.

Before you hit the road, review the weather forecast and make sure that you are safe.

Stay Human

7 Tips for Getting High-Quality Images from DroneDrones are still a novelty, their use is still not sufficiently regulated. First of all, know your rights and limitations in this area.

Moreover, remain a good person. Do not fly where you are not welcome. Do not invade someone else’s privacy, do not threaten anyone.

When you shoot other people, get their consent, find out if you will not bother them. Show them pictures from your drone. They will probably be as passionate about it as you are.

also read: The Benefits of Converting Images into PDF

Image Settings

Getting the right exposure on an unmanned aerial vehicle can be difficult. The cameras most often do not meet the standards that you are used to with your usual equipment, so more attention will be required.

In addition to lower resolution and a more limited dynamic range of the camera, you will take a picture on your phone or tablet in bright sunlight with highly compressed real-time video. This is difficult, but given some points, you can handle it.

7 Tips for Getting High-Quality Images from DroneAlways shoot in RAW. You will have more options for correcting inaccurate exposure.

Well, if the drone supports exposure bracketing, use it. It sets for the camera 3 or 5 exposures for each click of the shutter – at the current settings and additional shots one or two stops lower or higher.

You will get more photos, and you will have more chances to get the perfect exposure.

If you can see the histogram, then do it. It will help you understand how good a shot will be. This is more accurate than the phone screen.

Look for simple shapes and patterns

Shooting from a high point with a wide-angle lens, especially when shooting accurately down, will make large objects, such as trees, cars, buildings, much smaller.

This can create some great textures. You can also create a pattern that does not have clear objects. Finding large simple geometric shapes and patterns is a great way to make a clear and understandable image.

For example, a winding road that cuts a line through an ocean of trees, a coastline that neatly separates land and sea, a lone car violates the perfect grid of empty parking.

There are many things that can be simplified with the help of basic shapes and contrasting textures. Show your viewer what is hidden from those on earth.
Also read: CRM


7 Tips for Getting High-Quality Images from DroneIt’s quite difficult to make the perfect composition directly from the camera, located at a height of 50 meters above the ground, when you look at the phone screen, blinding in the sun.

Drones, although well-kept in the air, are not perfect, especially in the wind. It is not easy to align the aircraft and make the horizon line even.

When shooting, leave a little extra space so that you can later crop and rotate the image, adjust the perspective without losing composition.

At the same time, keep in mind that cameras mounted on drones have a low resolution, so you should not get involved with cropping.

Invite a friend

7 Tips for Getting High-Quality Images from DroneThis gives an extra pair of hands and eyes when you photograph. This will speed up the setup, in addition, a friend will help monitor the drone while you are focused on shooting.

If you are in an open area, then a friend will help to catch the aircraft during landing.

We hope that the tips will help you in mastering photographing from a drone, whether it is your main hobby or an additional tool. And the main advice: find the masters of photographers in this matter who inspire you, and follow their work.

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