02.02.2024 09:00

5 Tips How Video Can Increase Your Website Traffic

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We can’t say this enough: video marketing is, hands-down, one of the most promising strategies to help Increase your Website Traffic. More than 89% of marketers say video gives them a satisfying ROI.

5 Tips How Video Can Increase Your Website TrafficThe allure of videos is pretty much simple. In the world where everything turns digital, people are getting busy and tend to consume information quickly.

In this situation, videos provide straightforward and easy-to-digest information, so they don’t have to struggle to scroll through a whole batch of paragraphs just to get to the juicy bits.

More than increasing your ROI, though, videos can drive traffic to your website as well. It can drive a whopping 157% increase in organic traffic from SERPs.

In this post, we’ll learn how to turn videos into your traffic generating machine.

Let’s jump right into it!

#1. Optimize It For Search

First thing first, you need to get the videos noticed by search engine crawlers by optimizing it. This way, you can sit at the top pages of search engine results pages (SERPs) — like Google seamlessly.

Optimizing your videos means that you better to:5 Tips How Video Can Increase Your Website Traffic

  • Pick the ideal video hosting based on your audience demographics.

  • Choose the right keyword for your video title and description.

  • Include video transcripts.

  • Create engaging thumbnails to spark viewers’ curiosity and generate more clicks.

As optimized videos higher your website rank on SERPs, it can get more views and Increase your website traffic. That’s how you can get more high-quality traffic.

#2. Make It Mobile-Friendly

Mobile devices have changed the way your customers consume content. Are you aware that half of your online traffic is mobile?

5 Tips How Video Can Increase Your Website TrafficAccording to the latest video marketing stats, people are 1.5 times more likely to watch videos from their hand-held devices than desktops. Not to mention that 92% of mobile users also share videos on a daily basis.

So, whether it’s social videos or explainer videos, it’s essential to make them optimized for mobile users, creating a pleasant viewing experience for them. In other words, you need to make the visual, format, and design fit on their small smartphone screen. Also, since mobile users are always on the go, you can keep your videos short with fast loading time.

#3. Get Social

Another great thing about videos is that it’s incredibly shareable. With videos, all you need is just a few clicks to spread your message across your digital channel – from web pages to your social media profiles.

In this case, social media is such an ideal place you can utilize to increase your website traffic. Why? Because millions of users spend hours on these networks daily. It makes it the perfect medium for referrals and driving more traffic to your website.

You can embed or post your videos to popular social media platforms like YouTube, Instagram, Facebook, or LinkedIn.

#4. Add a Clear Call-to-Action

5 Tips How Video Can Increase Your Website TrafficAnother tip for effectively accomplishing this traffic-generation goal is including an intriguing call-to-action (CTA). No matter how brilliant and convincing your video content is, if you don’t tell the viewers what they should do next, it just won’t do the trick.

Therefore, each of your videos must tell viewers what to do and encourage them to perform your desired action. For instance, you can insert an engaging button that says, “go to my website,” “visit my website to learn more,” etc.

Once you’ve crafted your compelling call to action, you’re ready to convert your video viewers into website visitors.

#5. Focus on Creating Valuable Content

Do you know the main reason people click on your videos? They want to get valuable content that can solve their problem or at least make their lives any easier. So, why not provide them with the things they asked for?

5 Tips How Video Can Increase Your Website TrafficPeople will get more convinced to distribute the content elsewhere if they find it valuable to them. By all means, try not to hard-sell your brand with videos. Your videos should be centered on the story and focus on educating and entertaining the viewers.

This way, you can build a strong, solid relationship with potential customers easily that can lead you to continuous traffic.

Wrapping Up

Not every video brings you all the advantages they’re talking about – only those optimized and well-crafted ones will Increase your website traffic. That being said, you can start by performing those handy tips above to Increase your website traffic using high-performing videos. Once you crack the code, the videos won’t only help you drive more high-quality traffics but also make it easier for you to boost conversion rates and close more deals.

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