28.09.2023 13:30

10 Reasons to Outsource React Native Development to India

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In today’s digital age, organizations see the need to innovate and develop a mobile application as a necessity. However, for SMEs or those just getting started in the mobile app sector, building mobile apps from the ground up can be expensive. According to Gartner, the ideal alternative is to outsource the project to a seasoned outsourcing firm that can assist you with high-quality app development and faster release.Inc poll, 85 percent of logistic executives expect a 5% increase in outsourcing spending.

10 Reasons to Outsource React Native Development to IndiaIndia has become the dominant outsourced service provider because of the IT sector’s rapid growth, growing demand, and development costs. Companies are turning to outsourcing projects to be competitive in this market since it helps them leverage global talent, cut development efforts, and save money. As a result, the demand for Indian developers has risen in recent years. Compared to the costs in other nations such as the United States, the United Kingdom, or Canada, you may hire react native developers in India for $30 to $45. (between 225 and $250).

Let’s look at some statistics that support India’s position as a global outsourcing leader. 

India’s Role in Outsourcing Industry

  • In 2019-20, India’s outsourcing services represented about 55 percent of the market share in the US $200-250 billion global services sourcing business.
  • Software exports were $16.29 billion in the first quarter of FY22, according to STPI (Software Technology Park of India).
  • The revenue of the IT & Business Service Industry was predicted to be US$ 6.96 billion in the first half of 2021, up 6.4 percent year on year.
  • India is expected to spend $93 billion in the IT domain by 2021 and is supposed to reach $98.5 billion by 2023. 
  • During the projected the year 2020-2023, the International Data Corporation (IDC) expects India’s IT services will increase at an annual pace of 8.6%.
  • Indian Software and IT industry will generate a profit of $350 billion by 2025, as stated by the Indian Brand Equity Foundation (IBEF). 

Top 10 Reasons to Hire an Indian React Native Developer

10 Reasons to Outsource React Native Development to IndiaOn the market, there are many different application development platforms. One of them is the react cross-platform framework, which makes it possible to design apps for iOS and Android at a low cost. The advantages of outsourcing native development to India are listed below.

Open Source Framework

React Native is an open-source application development platform that lets developers utilize as many of the library’s components as they need. You don’t have to pay to use the react-native library’s plugins, tools, or other components because it’s free. Facebook, Instagram, Tesla, Adidas, Skype, Walmart, and more well-known companies use this framework. 

Larger Pool of Skillset 

India boasts the most technical expertise and English-speaking manpower of any country. It has made India the world’s largest outsourcing hub and has played a vital role in creating custom software. India has several different specialties to choose from. They have industry experience as well as technology components. They are always learning new and bettering their skills to produce high-quality software solutions for clients in various industries. India’s leading software development outsourcing firms can handle projects from start to finish.


10 Reasons to Outsource React Native Development to IndiaCompanies can save a large amount of money by outsourcing to India. This is because the cost of recruiting developers in India is substantially lower than in industrialized countries. Hiring a software developer, for example, could cost anywhere between 225 and $250. In the United States, it is hard to find a decent developer for as little as $30 per hour in India. However, in the United States, it is not difficult to get a competent developer for as little as $30 per hour in India.

As a result, businesses can save much money on office space and IT equipment by outsourcing to India and saving money on staff costs.

Faster time to market

Speed of delivery is critical in today’s competitive business environment. Your consumer engagement efforts may suffer if you cannot release a specific app within a specific time limit. When you outsource a project, you gain access to a team of experts who have extensive expertise in designing cutting-edge software. They will take much less time to begin the job, and you will have the finished product well ahead of schedule, allowing you to get to market sooner.

Favorable Government Policies

The Indian IT domain, governed by the Information Technology Act of 2000, is the country’s most extensively invested domain and has helped promote India’s reputation as a leading destination for foreign investment overseas. The Indian government supports IT infrastructure development in all major metros and provides nearly 100 percent foreign equity to increase outsourcing. Mr Rajeev Chandrasekhar, India’s Union Minister of State for Electronics and Information Technology, revealed that the IT export target for March 2023 had been set at 400 billion dollars. Furthermore, the central government intends to concentrate on cutting-edge fields like cybersecurity, hyper-scale computing, artificial intelligence, and blockchain.

Effective Communication

Communication won’t be an issue if you outsource react native app development to India. Given that India is the second-largest English-speaking country in the entire world. Skype, Slack, and other applications are just a few platforms that might help you communicate with your offshore staff.

Enhanced Productivity 

10 Reasons to Outsource React Native Development to IndiaBecause of the time zone difference, organizations in the US and other western countries might benefit from outsourcing to India by receiving round-the-clock support. The time difference between a few countries are as below:

  • The time difference between India and USA is 9 hours and 30 Minutes.
  • India is 3 hours and 30 minutes ahead of Europe in terms of time zone.
  • India is 4 hours and 30 minutes ahead of the United Kingdom.  

When you’re not working in the United States, remote developers in India are being worked on your project. The ability to work around the clock increases productivity and assures that the project is completed on time.

Work Flexibility 

One of the react-most Native’s notable advantages is its flexibility. If any of the platform’s developers depart, any other react native developer can pick up where they left off. Upgrades and revisions in the same program are also very efficient at times. Such ease of access and flexibility saves time and money.

Support & Maintenance 

Platform selection, design, security procedures, implementation, debugging, marketing, analysis, and so on are all part of the app development process. In addition, you must update the app at frequent periods after it has been launched and is being used by users to maintain user engagement levels. The best way to avoid losing sleep over these details is to entrust them to an Indian app development company.

Robust Security

10 Reasons to Outsource React Native Development to IndiaAny business must have a mobile app; it is a tool for reaching a wider audience and must be secured. The software contains a considerable amount of sensitive data that might have disastrous consequences if it falls into the wrong hands. Hackers are more likely to target commercial apps than personal apps. On the other hand, a respectable outsourcing firm can be highly beneficial. They have a solid security system in place, including encryption and excellent legal paperwork, and non-disclosure agreements.

Wrapping Up!

React Native is unquestionably the most satisfactory solution for all types of cross-platform mobile development projects. There isn’t a better framework for completing your app development project quickly and effectively than React Native, whether you need to build an app for iOS, Android, or both. React Native is known for its code reusability for Android and iOS devices. You can hire react native developer for your project after knowing what it needs.

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