25.10.2023 09:30

10 Reasons to Install a Positive Input Ventilation System

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10 Reasons to Install a Positive Input Ventilation SystemA Positive Input Ventilation System (PIV) is the latest condensation remedy against excess moisture and humidity. These factors can pose a health risk to your entire property. A PIV ensures that your home receives clean, fresh air. This is filtered and dried out before being reintroduced into the home, ensuring that damp, musty air cannot cause problems. We provide you with ten good reasons for installing a PIV.

Better Health 

Dust mites and other airborne allergens can cause health issues for those who suffer from allergies. Conditions associated with compromised breathing, such as asthma or bronchitis, can be worsened by moist, stale air. By improving the quality of air that circulates in your home, a PIV unit has been clinically proven to alleviate the presence of dust mites and can relieve struggling lungs that have been exposed to inferior air.

Prevents Black Mould

A PIV unit offers the answer to black mold. Mould is a fungus that is generally present in moist conditions. It can grow and spread to showers, sinks, and other areas with high humidity. It presents a unique health risk for people with compromised immune systems and other conditions, according to some research.

Cuts Electricity Costs

10 Reasons to Install a Positive Input Ventilation SystemYou can expect to pay anywhere between £700 to £1,000 with installation for the lower-cost models. Higher-cost models typically come with enhanced performance. However, these initial costs are offset by the minuscule amount of electricity they use. A PIV unit will cost between one and two pence per day electricity to run. This is aligned with the directive of the government that states electrical appliances must use reduced electricity.

Odor Reduction

Along with a reduction in air pollutants, a PIV unit will eliminate foul odors caused by poor air circulation. Studies indicate that a four-member family will produce over 100 pints of moisture in the space of one week. This comes from activities like cooking, showering or bathing, boiling the kettle, and even from normal breathing. The smells from these activities linger and become stale.

Reduction In Maintenance Costs

Dampness inside the property results in additional maintenance costs to deal with the damage. Although a PIV unit is not cheap, it pays for itself by reducing the amount you have to fork out for maintenance, such as repainting and retiling. This makes it well worth the investment.

Quiet Operation

10 Reasons to Install a Positive Input Ventilation SystemMany appliances are noisy. They produce excess white noise, which can be harmful. The PIV unit uses a direct-current motor for minimal sound.


The PIV unit comes with a five-year guarantee. Its strong construction ensures that it goes the distance. Hence, it will not need to be replaced in that time.

Reduces Radon

Radon is an odorless, clear gas that naturally occurs in the air. It is not a risk outdoors as it can easily disperse. Indoors, if levels build up, residents can contract lung cancer. As the PIV unit cleans the air, it reduces radon concentrations.


Generally, humidity is higher indoors. With the fresh air provided by a PIV unit, the temperature is usually lowered. This ensures proper ventilation.


10 Reasons to Install a Positive Input Ventilation SystemThe PIV unit has a large capacity filter. This ensures maximum ventilation. Only healthy air remains.

Installing a PIV unit comes with many proven benefits.

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