29.08.2023 11:30

Technologies And Inventions That Changed The World And Medicine

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Technologies And Inventions That Changed The World And MedicineThis is the age of technology and inventions. According to Statistica, a site that reports statistics and trends worldwide as well as the US, since 2014, the US patent office has approved over 300,000 patents per year and in 2020, a record 400,000 patents were approved just in the US.

While many of those patents may not be earthshaking, technology and inventions are changing the world as never before. People find out that they really have trouble living without social media, modern DNA techniques are now allowing many police departments to close out crimes that are 30 and 40 years old, and Artificial Inellegine may totally reshape our lives again in countless ways.

What Technologies Have Globally Changed The World?

  • The Internet

    What started out as a small way of engineers and scientists in the defense turned into a worldwide behemoth of connected computers which now amounts to 319 billion and counting.
    And sources indicate over 2.5 quintillion bytes of data (a byte being the smallest basic unit of computer data, and a quintillion, being 10 to the 30th power and having 18 zeros to it) have been shared since the early days of Darpa.
    And by 2025, it is estimated that 463 exabytes of data, (a single exabyte
    is the equivalent of a billion gigabytes) will be generated daily.

    Technologies And Inventions That Changed The World And MedicineThere are a few countries such as North Korea where the internet is reserved only for a few elites as well as scientists, but essentially the Internet is everywhere so that if a person in Austin Texas wants to know the weather in Moscow, or the sights to see, they can do so. There are 1.7 billion websites to access.

  • Smartphones

    Although not the first smartphone, the first really practical smartphone was the original Apple iPhone, which debuted in 2007.

    Although there were earlier phones that offered internet access, the iPhone revolutionized the world.

    Today, 54.8 percent of all internet traffic is via smartphone, and over 80 percent of the entire, industrialized world owns a smartphone.

    Smartphones bridge the gap between computer ownership and worldwide communication, and so they are equally, if not even more valuable.

  • Artificial Intelligence

    From Face Detection in cellphones (or to scan for terrorists at the Superbowl, to chat boxes that replace customer service reps and in the future, nearly universal telemedicine, artificial intelligence is here and is making an impact practically everywhere.

    Some say AI will make as big of a change as the internet did in the past to society.

  • Social Network

    Technologies And Inventions That Changed The World And MedicineSeemingly Facebook, Instagram, and Tik Tok rule the world. Almost half the industrialized world now gets all or most of its news from Social Media, and Social Media has empowered the previously voiceless. All you need is a Twitter feed or a clever Instagram post and you can contact millions for little or no cost.

  • 3D Printing

    Need a part for a 1939 Studebaker. No problem, as manufactures can not make replacement parts using 3D Printing. Want a truly custom and unique wedding band. No problem with 3D printing. Are you an athlete and really want a custom athletic shoe.
    Again, 3D Printing is to the rescue.

    3D print is the technology of the future applied now.

Healthcare Researches And Technologies That Improved Medicine Significantly

  • Vaccines

    Vaccines started around 1798 as an attempt to combat smallpox. There are now thousands of vaccines, and in most countries, children have to take them before going to school.

    And of course, everyone is now aware of COVID 19 vaccines.

    One health magazine estimates that just in the last two decades, 37 million lives have been saved via vaccines.

  • Anesthetics

    Technologies And Inventions That Changed The World And MedicineMost modern surgery techniques would not be possible without anesthesia.

    Chloroform was used 125,000 times during the Civil War, and ever since then, millions of people, civilians, and soldiers alike have had valuable, often life-saving operations performed.

    Anesthesia and advancements in medicine go along side by side.

  • Immunotherapy

    Immunotherapy is a medical treatment that helps the body heal by boosting the natural immunity functions in the body.

    One of the problems with Immunotherapy with regard to cancer is that the body has a resistance to many medical treatments. HGH can reduce that resistance, and at a cost of as low as $500-1500 per course, can be a treatment godsend. To get a more accurate cost of HGH injections take into account all additional spending on blood work, physical tests, adjunctive HRT,  etc.

  • Antibiotics

    Antibiotics are medicines that slow or destroy growing bacteria. Penicillin is recognized as perhaps the worlds first wonder drug, and penicillin saved upwards of
    200 million lives since its invention in 1928.

  • Antiviral drugs

    There are around 100 drugs that are considered antiviral, and people who go to a physician or a hospital complaining of flue may not realize it but they will be treated with antiviral drugs.

  • Organ Transplants

    Technologies And Inventions That Changed The World And MedicineThe first organ transplant was a kidney inserted om a 49-year-old patient in Illinois in 1950.

    Since then, successful transplants of hearts, livers, pancreas, lungs, intestines, and more have been common.

    In the future, as 3D printing merges into the medical field, practically every organ in the body can be easily created for transplantation.

  • X-Rays

    X-ray machines were developed in 1895 and gave doctors universal access to many internal parts of the body for diagnosis.

    Now, with newer technologies such as Cat Scans, which combine X-Rays with computer technology, physicians can examine many parts of the body with precision. In addition, while technically a different technology, we might include sonograms as a part of the

Future Technologies That Will Change The World More 

  • Fusion

    Technologies And Inventions That Changed The World And MedicineFusion uses the same power as the son to furnish energy, and the world will totally change when fusion is developed. And it may come sooner than people think.

    Reports are that the first plasma fusion plant may come online in 2025, and worldwide, fusion may be readily available by 2030.

    By eliminating the use of gasoline, heating oil, and the like to power our individual worlds and our economies, not only will we likely retore the environment, but be able to have the power to drive our cars and trucks for thousands of miles, but have both unlimited heat and air conditioning forever.

  • Virtual reality

    Virtual reality, in the future, will not involve any kind of heavy headset to enjoy an amusement ride.

    If you have ever watched Star Trek and seen the Holodeck, you can get a taste of
    what may happen in the future. Don’t want to get on an airplane to see Paris or Bangkok?

    No problem. Virtual travel companies will prop up everywhere, offering instantaneous experiences better than the real thing.

  • Personal Robots

    Robots get a big knock because they look ugly and not lifelike.

    Technologies And Inventions That Changed The World And MedicineBut what if every robot looked like Data in Star Trek, or for those males, resemble a close clone to Miss Universe.

    In the future will people not only have robots as servants but also close companions.

    And for childless couples, there may even be child robots.

    Robots will indeed place us in a brave new world.

  • Internet and Cell Service Everywhere

    Already Elon Musk has plans to have 4,000 low flying satellites around the earth to
    deliver high-speed internet, which also will likely result in universal cell service everywhere as more.

    The world will never become smaller when there is satellite internet and cell phone service everywhere, and a note to China and North Korea or all restrictive dictatorships. With universal cell and internet service available, there is no way that they will be able to censor the internet as well, meaning many governments are also liable to topple or substantially change in the future.

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