17.09.2024 20:57

We Live in an Algorithmic Universe: Want to Understand What's Going on?

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We live in an algorithmic universe where people are governed by algorithms created by other people, whose behavior is governed by the algorithms they create.

We Live in an Algorithmic Universe: Want to Understand What's Going on?Thus, to effectively manage people, it is worth learning to manage the algorithms that manage people. There is no direct possibility, but there are indirect methods.

  • You have two options. The first is to accept it and continue to exist in this world without growth, without modernization.
  • The second way is to quickly go through all the levels, gain enlightenment and remember your true self.

People are asleep, they don’t understand what’s happening, they don’t see what’s right in front of their noses. Want to understand what's going on?

You must understand that there are only people in this Universe, and the only thing that makes sense is to learn how to influence people. So never waste your time on any technology unless you are sure that it will give you leverage and advantage.

We Live in an Algorithmic Universe: Want to Understand What's Going on?What you see is not the world, but a picture, much of which is conditioned by stereotypes and prejudices. Only an idiot does not admit the idea that his entire picture of the world can be created and controlled by someone. For him, this is a cheap conspiracy theory.

Ultimately, all you are looking for is a set of tools - first how to get out of the slave caste, then how to rise to higher levels and become free.

So! Usually everyone easily understands what to get rid of? It's easy - from poverty, lack of time and all sorts of troubles.

They follow the path of freedom not because they want money or fame, it’s all empty. There is a deep motivation that comes from the very essence.

Overall, the goal of this article is to give you just one technology lever and advantage that you can use to influence people and make money.

In the meantime, we will conduct an experiment for those who want to wake up or are already on the path to awakening.
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If there are enough comments, we will continue to reveal the path to freedom so that you can manage your life yourself.

We Live in an Algorithmic Universe: Want to Understand What's Going on?But at the initial stage, you need to think about money.

Therefore - if you want freedom, it is the desire to run away from what you do not like. This is the path to a dead end. You cannot run away from yourself.

Therefore, there is no need to run, to waste time looking for some kind of freedom.

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