03.11.2021 16:00

Video Testimonials Strategies to Get More Customers

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Video testimonials are a hundred times more effective than advertisements and posters. This is the primary reason for making video testimonials. Everyone is going to believe a video testimonial but is likely to ignore an advertisement that appears alongside it. You know why it is so. The viewer is likely to identify with the person in the video testimonial but doesn’t care about the person who tells things in the advertisement. Here are some tips to add muscle to your video testimonial.

Picking Customers to Appear in Your Video

Choose Regular Customers

Video Testimonials Strategies to Get More CustomersYour success with the video testimonial depends on who is appearing in it. Two aspects dominate the tone of the video – Is the person like a regular customer?

Is the video sounding positive? Pick customers who remain fascinated by your product or service.

When you interview the customer, if there is the smallest amount of doubt that the customer is not sold on your product, choose another person. Pick a person with a positive outlook on life but not one who is too loud and noisy.

Incentivize the Sit-In for Making Videos

You can add a lot of enthusiasm to the video by incentivizing it. But, don’t make it public. Keep this side of the video-making quiet. A person who gets a bonus or free coupons is likely to be enthusiastic about making the video.

Choose a Specific Site to Make Videos

Pleasant Background Helps Attract Viewers

The viewer is likely to spend some time viewing your video if it is pleasant to watch. If there is lots of noise in the background and flashy lights, there is going to be fewer people watching your video testimonial.

Place Where the Problem Occurs

Video Testimonials Strategies to Get More CustomersCheck the place where the problem occurs. This problem is dirt on the clothes (if you are promoting detergent brands), too much power consumption (if you sell ovens), or things like that. By making the video at the place where the problem occurs, you will get the interest of the viewer. They will want to know what is happening and how you solve it. You could create specific situations where you come face-to-face with the problem. Such as getting clothes dirty when traveling by bus.

Add Plenty of Personal Details

Video Testimonials Strategies to Get More CustomersAt this point, you can add personal details. Bring in the dog, get it on the video. Bring the child and get the emotional aspect into the video.

Get the name of the place where the person works and add it. Add the name of the wife. You will have the viewer eating out of your hand.

Making the Video

Building Trust

The testimony of the customer is golden. You cannot fabricate it or else it will show up for what it is on the video. Also, the delivery of the testimonial must be down-to-earth. It must show how common problems get solved. It must involve a practical solution that everyone can use.

Do Not Overpromote

Video Testimonials Strategies to Get More CustomersIt is important not to be promotional. It must be an opinion that a customer feels about the brand. While you don’t have to mention other brands, you can include a general question about all brands in general so the audience doesn’t feel that they are looking at a promotional video. The last thing someone wants to see is a blatant proclamation about the virtue of your brand. They would rather get convinced by seeing the proof of your claims.

Make a Storyline

The tone must be serious, it is not fiction that the viewers see. But you must keep a storyline alive. Such as the user had a problem, he heard about your brand, and when he used it, the entire problem disappeared. This is the general base on which you build the story of the video. The more details you add, the more interesting the video will be. You can add suspense elements in the ending before the customer chooses your brand over others by offering a choice. The reason the customer chooses your brand will be the solution to the problem.

Use of Social Signals

Video Testimonials Strategies to Get More CustomersYou can point out social signals like Facebook likes or retweets to show how well-liked your brand is.

This is all right because most people love social connections and like anything that tells them of social connections. You can get your customer involved by asking him or her to pull out a phone to show how they first the news about the brand.

Put the Customer First

Always put the customer first, the video testimonial must emphasize this point. Everything in your video must have the customer out there in front. Go over the video and if there are any instances where one doesn’t see the customer, you can leave that part out.

Related: –  Web Design

The Finishing Aspects

Video Testimonials Strategies to Get More CustomersNow, your video is ready, you can put it on television during the movie break or the changeover during a sports event. You can post it on YouTube where it is sure to get its share of publicity.

Use a professional video making service because they will produce a more complete video. The money you spend on this video making service is likely to pay back more than you expect.

This is because viewers are likely to pick on the small mistakes you make due to your inexperience in the field. The professionals will not make obvious mistakes.

Also, do not air the video testimonial for more than 2-3 weeks because then, many viewers will see it for the second time and they will be ready to pick mistakes. Make a new video with new faces and use it. This helps you keep the interest of the viewer in the video.

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