16.08.2022 11:30

Top 5 Automation Tools to Streamline Workflows for Busy IT Teams

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Wisestamp Signature ManagerAutomating your tedious, repetitive IT tasks will optimize your workflows and improve the efficiency of your IT team.

This bit is crucial because the more efficient your IT team becomes, the fewer technical interruptions you get running your business.

That is why it’s critical to leverage automation tools to streamline your team’s workflows and processes.

Use intelligent automation tools to transform your business and eliminate manual, time-consuming, and often resource-draining IT tasks — starting with the five software and apps below.

1. Wisestamp Signature Manager

The Wisestamp email signature manager lets you take control of your company’s email signature implementation from start to finish. This one-of-a-kind signature manager streamlines company-wide email signature deployment and automates much of the process for you.

This tool can save your IT team about 40 yearly work hours on average, and save many more hours for your brand and marketing teams. And it comes at a relatively low cost.

Wisestamp Signature ManagerThe tool allows you to auto-sync your email signatures through API integration and other advanced technology so you can say goodbye to manually setting up the signatures for every one of your 50 to 1,000+ employees.

WiseStamp is easily integrated with Google Workspace, Microsoft Office 365, and Microsoft Exchange. Using your G Suite (Workspace) super admin or your O365 admin can quickly sync your user directory with this email signature software.

This lets WiseStamp pull your structured data automatically and populate all individual signatures automatically with the corresponding employee information.

The tool also makes it easy to automate user invites, segment your organization’s signature per group (e.g. department, location, job title), and assign levels of access (e.g. give department managers permission to edit their team’s info on their own).

For your branding team, WiseStamp provides extensive branded signature design capabilities, and the ability to track brand views through your business email communication.

For your marketing team, WiseStamp provides easy setup and tracking of signature CTAs. And also an in-app email signature marketing campaign manager that lets them run ad banners within set dates.

2. Coefficient

One of the most critical yet time-consuming and laborious IT processes is moving, consolidating, and syncing data across your business systems and multiple platforms.

You’ll need to extract and export data from the source or platform and import it to your database or spreadsheet with manual methods.

CoefficientDepending on the systems and platforms, the whole process can be tedious and complex, eating up a chunk of your IT team’s precious work hours while creating bottlenecks in your workflows.

An excellent solution is to automate importing, exporting, and syncing your data on Google Sheets using Coefficient.

The Coefficient app lets you connect your Google spreadsheets to your company systems within a few clicks.

Users won’t need to cut and paste CSV files and import range or go through other complicated processes to combine data on spreadsheets.

Coefficient doesn’t require coding, so anyone within your company can use it — even the most non-tech-savvy users.

The app lets you sync Google Sheets to your business systems, including HubSpot, Redshift, Salesforce, MySQL, Looker, Google Analytics, data warehouses, databases, and any API.

You can set it up once and automate refreshing your data on a schedule so you won’t need to repeat your imports.

Any changes on your source data get automatically synced to your Google spreadsheet.

You’ll get the latest data at all times, empowering your sales, marketing, customer service, and other departments to join, sync, query, and manipulate data to build reports and live dashboards easily.

3. Backrightup

Ensuring your business-critical codes, wikis, work items, and other data is safe and intact is one of your IT team’s crucial tasks — and it’s also often the most tedious.

The good news is that you can automate backing up your data and codes with Backrightup.

Top 5 Automation Tools to Streamline Workflows for Busy IT TeamsBackrightup is a service that automates backing up and restoring your Azure DevOps instance.

It eliminates manual backups and helps ensure you can recover your data and repositories in case of malicious attacks, ransomware, accidental deletion and corruption, rogue third-party apps, and integration errors (among others).

Backlight lets you run automated daily, weekly, and monthly backups based on your set schedule. You can restore your backed-up data and repositories in one click.

The platform also lets you add new data and update your files with unlimited storage options.

Additionally, you can have a full backup to the storage location you want without maintaining your own backup scripts.

Automating your Azure DevOps backups can save your IT team tons of time and effort. It also reduces the chances of overlooking backups to keep your repositories and data secure and intact, protecting you from complete data loss.

4. Zapier

Connecting your apps to move information among them seamlessly is key to streamlining a lot of your company workflows.

Zapier makes this easier for your IT team by allowing users to connect apps and automate workflows.

You can link or integrate your web apps with a few clicks to allow them to share data and set up automated workflows called Zaps without coding anything.


Create your Zaps from scratch or use the pre-configured workflow templates you can customize accordingly.

For instance, when you get a new email in your Gmail account, you can set up a Zap to automatically copy the email attachment from Gmail to Dropbox or Google Drive and send you alerts about the new Dropbox file.

You can also schedule your Zaps to automatically run on a schedule (daily, hourly, or at a custom interval).

Leverage Zaps to automate tons of processes and tasks across your company, including automating alerts on new form submissions, tracking leads in one place, and other custom workflows.

Zapier’s automated workflows can handle your team’s repetitive, time-consuming app integrations and related tasks, saving time and energy better spent on more critical and core tasks.

5. Slack

Slack is a business communication platform that can bring your team members and tech stack in one location for better collaboration and efficient workflows.

Besides streamlining communication across your IT teams and other departments, Slack lets you automate critical processes.

For instance, you can set up automated workflows to help marketing and sales teams generate leads in real-time.


To do this, you can use Slack to:

  • Create automated messages that trigger based on the current context and website visitor behavior – For instance, you can trigger a message for visitors on your pricing page that says, “If you’re not sure which plan is for you, let’s chat now to find what you need!”
  • Live chat with visitors from the Slack interface – You’ll automatically receive the message once your visitors respond to your automated message in Slack. You can chat with your visitors without leaving the platform or using another tool.
  • Send a Zoom meeting link – If prospects are interested in your offer, product, or service, you can type “/zoom meeting” in Slack, and Zoom will automatically generate the virtual meeting room link.

Automate to accelerate your IT processes

Reliable tools can make your IT team’s workflows less complicated and more efficient.

Top 5 Automation Tools to Streamline Workflows for Busy IT TeamsThe key is to find the right tools that best address your unique business needs and help manage IT processes across multiple environments, systems, and technologies.

Opt for tools that eliminate or reduce your manual processes and automate your repetitive yet critical IT and related tasks for optimum efficiency.

Remember, with better efficiency comes great profitability.

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