04.03.2022 09:30

Tips for Developing User-Friendly Web Applications

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Custom web apps add a factor of interactivity and functionality to a website. While some make checking out easy, others provide easy access to online courses. 

Tips for Developing User-Friendly Web ApplicationsHowever, for web apps to make tasks more manageable, you must design them user-friendly. Or, you might wind up confusing the user and driving them away.

Keep Information Entry Simple on the Web Page

Things like sign-up forms and authenticating access may require user input. Users often don’t like this part. They hate it even more when they have to input the same things twice. So, always keep this step intuitive and straightforward. Avoid asking for details like reference numbers and phone numbers more than once.

Keep the Tone and Language Accessible 

Language is one aspect that connects you with users on a human level. So, always keep it simple and easy to understand. Know your target audience before picking your words. Avoid using overly complicated words or jargon. Make sure the tone goes well with the turf of your intended audience.

Keep the Design Appealing and Clear

Tips for Developing User-Friendly Web ApplicationsAlways use clear CTAs (Click to Actions) to encourage task completion. CTAs are a highly interactive site element that prompts a desired action. It could be submitting a form, initiating a payment, or filling out an application. Just having a button is not enough. You need to keep it clear, visible, and appealing to encourage clicks.

Keep in mind some aspects like microcopy, placement, shape, colour, and button size.
Think About Audience Psychology During Design Phase

Every part of design taps deep into the human psyche. When you understand how the human mind works, you can pick the best colour scheme, font style, shape, and language. By keeping psychology in mind during the design phase, you can encourage the desired outcome while making the whole experience more enjoyable for your users.

Avoid Popups

Nothing is more annoying than unnecessary pop-ups. It distracts people from their goals. Moreover, popups also interfere with their ability to perform the required task within the set time frame. Always keep the use of these models to a bare minimum. Use them only where they are absolutely necessary.

Keep the App Safe and User-friendly

Tips for Developing User-Friendly Web ApplicationsData breaches and security issues have always been prevalent. When you're asking for things like credit card details, make sure to use a secure and trustworthy payment system like Braintree and Stripe.

If you are not entirely sure of the app’s security, you can always integrate it via Google or Facebook login.

That way, you can outsource the security to a well-guarded third-party product. It’s a highly favoured practice since users don’t have to register again and again.

Stick with Familiar Pattern

Custom web apps that follow a familiar pattern are easier to navigate. For instance, users are more likely to finish their shopping process if they already know where the search bar is, the payment information form, and where the ‘buy button’ typically is. Do some research and make a list of design patterns that are universally present across custom web applications.

Keep the On-Boarding Easy

Tips for Developing User-Friendly Web ApplicationsToday apps no longer ask users to register at the very first step because they don’t want to annoy them and drive them away. Forcing people into providing information before they can access the information is a surefire way to increase your bounce rate. Always try to keep the barriers that might discourage people to a  bare minimum. It could be asking for a credit card or personal details way early in the process.

Some apps do need this information early on. But, make sure people already love your application before you ask them to commit.

Keep the App Useful To Your Audiences

The whole point of a custom web application is to make things easier for a user. It could be saving their money, time, or in general, making things easier. Keep these points in mind during the elevator pitch. Ask yourself - is the business addressing an important topic for people? Test it on family members, friends, and random people. Most importantly, test it on a target group.

Think about what your business is offering via app makes sense or not. Here’s a template to help you at this point - 

My company (XYZ) is creating  (an offering) to aid (target customers), (help with a particular problem) using (the secret sauce).

Listen to the User Requirements to Grow Your App

Tips for Developing User-Friendly Web ApplicationsThe operating systems are getting more sophisticated, giving developers the freedom to avoid previously common and notorious errors. What’s more, you may have to constantly adjust your product's layout due to changing screen sizes. 

So, in this ever-changing landscape of things - the only way to stay afloat is to listen to your users. What may have worked beautifully in the past might be super annoying to users today.

Ready through user comments, encourage feedback sharing and implement suggestions that pop up repeatedly in your next app version. Always work with GA (Google Analytics) to stay on top of things.

Use a Single Drop-Down Menu to Club Related Elements 

The most user-friendly web apps have one thing in common - they are highly intuitive. It means the user has no trouble effortlessly figuring out what goes where and where to find a particular button to accomplish the goal.

Tips for Developing User-Friendly Web ApplicationsOne way to achieve this intuitiveness is to club all the related group elements under a single menu.

For instance, if you’re an educational app, you could include things like ‘class schedule,’ ‘scores’, ‘current assignments,’ under a single drop-down menu called ‘classes’.

In this way, students know where to look for all-things related to classes.

Bottom Line

We hope you took away some inspiration from this post and will use it to better the next version of your custom web app.

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