08.08.2022 13:16

The QUASA Сoncept Has Been Changed

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Hello, Friends!

Instead of how it was, namely the "Blockchain Platform", now the QUASA Metaverse. 
This is due to the fact that the "Platform" concept limits the development of the project and reduces the possibilities.

The QUASA Сoncept Has Been ChangedQUASA is not only a blockchain and not so much a platform. Changing the concept significantly expands the development opportunities and the range of influence. 
The future of work will not just be community-like; it will often be 👑 cult-like

QUASA META is a place where freelancers, influencers, remote workers, creators, artists, performers and clients, and people in general meet and connect. 

People do it to signal their values and find meaning.

But humans are not driven only by financial incentives. They contribute to a project because they want to be part of the project.

The QUASA Сoncept Has Been ChangedThey want to be part of something. This, too, is already visible in many companies and industries and industries such as Quasa Metaverse.

Employees are expected to work more or earn less in exchange for feeling like they’re part of something bigger than themselves.

But crypto makes this implicit bargain explicit.

We’re headed to a world where  🛒  work is a consumer activity.

Tokens play a vital role in the crypto world.

The QUASA Сoncept Has Been ChangedThe token society assumes that most people will not be required to work to produce food, shelter, and other necessities.

In such an economy, most human work will focus on serving and entertaining other humans. In such an environment of abundance, people will not only get paid to play and be nice. Some of them will also pay to work.

Blockchain technology puts this dynamic on steroids, making it possible to compensate and incentivize people to behave in ways that make other people happy.

But these companies are centralized, not owned or governed by their participants, and do not offer the type of granular, automated compensation that blockchains enable.

Remote work comes naturally to many crypto teams because the products and protocols they develop are 🕸 decentralized.

“We believe metaverse & web3 represent the next generation of the internet, will reshape the way businesses & consumers engage, how we work"

For the Gen Z workforce 👨🏾‍🎤, future of work = metaverse 🛠️ 

The QUASA Сoncept Has Been ChangedCrypto "enables teams to work remotely [without knowing each other]. They're just doing it online as a community, engaging in financial transactions together"
And as work decentralizes, peoples' dependence on single employers drops.

👀 To succeed at any level, orgs must build "a culture that encourages people to go the extra mile because of the value of the work that we are enabling." And to better encourage, orgs should share value (in #crypto) with those who build value

Connect more with your exceptional #remotework colleagues 🤝 by sharing real value (in #crypto) to recognize their work & contributions ⚒️

👀 Crypto is increasingly an important consideration for the digital native, #remotework workforce.

Share value 👐 with those who help you create value 🤝 And for the digital native workforce 👩🏾‍💻, value is increasingly defined in #crypto

Quasa is a Metaverse That Unites People. 
Your QUASA. Your Way!

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