29.07.2019 23:31

Switch to blockchain

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The blockchain is now, in terms of the Gartner curve, in the process of falling from peak expectations, because the first generation public blockchain platforms turned out to be unsuitable for business. Everyone knows their shortcomings - participants in cryptocurrency transactions are anonymous, information about all transactions made in the blockchain-network is available to an indefinite circle of people, system performance is low, etc.

On the other hand, pilot projects for the creation of private, closed blockchain systems give reason for moderate optimism. In such systems, its participants know each other, access to information can be streamlined - everyone gets only that part of it, which is necessary for the execution of his work:
Bank - about the financial side of the transaction;
Transport operators - about the terms of delivery of the goods, safety requirements and storage conditions;
Government agencies - on compliance with customs clearance procedures.

"An adult male sitting in a car, wearing accessories and a belt."

Our platform is an excellent solution in the organization of cargo transportation and provides benefits for all industry participants, solving the problem of bureaucracy, high commission costs and insurance limits, information barriers and court costs. Thanks to the transition to blockchain, we are creating a new logistics environment that meets modern requirements and brings us to a leading position in the market.

All members of the project team have extensive experience in the industry allowing to implement the project according to the project development plan.

We invite you to create the future of the freight transport system together.

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