SiTL is a the industrial supply chain and transportation innovation show with the entire industry represented! The trade fair is home to the 6 major goods transport and supply chain sectors.
- Transport & Logistics Services
- Transport equipment (Transport Next Generation)
- Real Estate & Logistics Infrastructure
- Technologies, RFID & Information Systems
- Warehouse equipment and solutions (Intralogistics)
- Robotics and Artificial Intelligence
— QUASA (@quasagroup) March 15, 2019
QUASA team is waiting for you in Paris at the largest European exhibition #SITL19
SiTL is a the industrial supply chain and transportation innovation show with the entire industry represented! The trade fair is home to the 6 major goods…
Do you operate in one or more of these markets? Join the 30,000 participants and 530 exhibitors expected at this essential event in the sector.
Stand n124
26-27-28 March - SITL19 - Paris
L-e décompte est lancé: #SITL19 ouvre ses portes dans 2 semaines et nous sommes sur les starting blocks.
Frederic Vedrunes presented the QUASA project at the largest European exhibition #SITL in Paris.
Thank you!