13.03.2021 12:30

QUASA is registered in Germany - full name Quasa International GmbH

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QUA Tokens will become the necessary condition for using the service. 

Paying services with tokens helps to obtain a 5–10% discount. 
This applies both to transportation services for cargo owners and consulting services for shippers.

The value of our currency will be backed by real services offered by QUASA platform.  QUA tokens are going to be used on the platform as one of payment tools.

In the QUASA ecosystem, multiple rewards will exist in the form of Quasacoins (QUA) only. 
Furthermore, QUASA tokens will also serve as one of the accepted method of payments on the platform. 
QUASA will eventually roll out acceptance of QUA tokens as a means for payment on the auxiliary platforms of QUASA partners and other service providers.

The service will create:

- Unique environment for the development of the companies and their competition;
- Opportunity to penetrate new markets, since access to such markets is not limited by information or financial barriers, thanks to transparency;
- consulting services and the provision of a tested business process model and tools for its implementation.
- trust-based relations between partners and clients, since the service sets standards in the whole supply chain transparency, due to general access to the rating based on the smart-contracts fulfilled by the companies

Quasacoin (QUA) token is listed on the Uniswap exchange. QUA token smart contract address: https://etherscan.io/address/0x4daeb4a06f70f4b1a5c329115731fe4b89c0b227

Trade on UniSwap!

QUA: https://app.uniswap.org/swap?inputCurrency=0x4daeb4a06f70f4b1a5c329115731fe4b89c0b227

Add to the Uniswap LP!

QUA: https://app.uniswap.org/#/add/eth/0x4daeb4a06f70f4b1a5c329115731fe4b89c0b227

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