16.12.2024 09:00

Open Blockchain Platform For Connecting People

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What is QUASA $QUA:

Open Blockchain Platform For Connecting PeopleQUASA is a decentralized network connecting Freelancers and Customers together. $QUA is the governance token of the QUASA platform.

In the QUASA network, there are two participants: Freelancers and Customers.

Freelancers need to install the Quasa Connect app to start completing Tasks.
Tasks: This is the job that Freelancers want to do.
Tasks are added to QUASA by Сustomers who need help

QUASA is the starting point for the growth and coordination of the Quasa Chain.

The QUASA platform is being created to solve the biggest problem facing humanity, namely to solve the problem of unemployment, so that people can find a job they love, provide for themselves and their families.

QUASA is a Decentralized Metaverse That Brings Together Freelancers and Clients.

"Hockey players skating on ice rink with puck during intense game."Quasacoins (QUA) value is supported by real services offered by QUASA Metaverse.

Monetization of QUASA services occurs at the last stage of each case of successful completion of the task by any performer in the form of a reward, instantly increasing the demand for QUA tokens.

The technologies used in QUASA eliminate the problem of trust, information barriers and legal costs. By using a trusted environment, unnecessary workflow is eliminated, the cost of completing tasks for clients is reduced, and the performers earn more.

With the move to blockchain and the use of artificial intelligence, QUASA is creating a new environment that will revolutionize our daily work.

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