05.01.2023 11:30

Know about Web Applications with its Best Examples

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Web applications are the trend of the tech industry. It offers an opportunity to connect with interactive and standard browsers to the user. Undoubtedly, these platforms help to enhance connectivity and most of the large enterprises have opted for web applications.

Know about Web Applications with its Best ExamplesThis is easy to set and also ensures unique as well as next-generation experience to the users. Most of the developers prefer to opt for web application development as it offers several tools and frameworks, which are well organized and speed up the development process. It also provides readily support of MVC ( Model, View, and Controller) architecture.

This platform can be defined as a create, read, update, and delete. It is built with similar web technologies such as (HTML, CSS, and JS). They can run on any devices, which has an inbuilt browser.

Different between Websites and Web Applications


Know about Web Applications with its Best ExamplesWebsites are popular and involve information such as about your brand services, and FAQ. It helps to represent your business virtually with a single domain name.

However, the website helps to enhance your branding and allows people to access it globally without any hassle. It also requires input from the end-user. Websites are only for providing information to your users. These solutions can be accessed only through browsers such as Google browsers and others.

Web Applications

Web Applications are used to interact with the users including an additional set of functionalities such as bots, push notifications, manifests, and many more.

Know about Web Applications with its Best ExamplesWith advanced technologies, web applications can be designed in such a way that they can be accessed in offline mode also. These web applications can be downloaded and even store on the home screen.

Users can leverage its functionalities for user output. They can use it for previewing any simple catalog or for online banking services.

It can also be designed as a one-page application.

To leverage all the benefits of web application development, partner with a web application development company.

Popular Frameworks of Web Application Development

Frameworks turn the development process easier and faster. With the advent of technologies, several functionalities have been introduced and for developers to build it from scratch is a daunting task. These frameworks help them in coding and to integrate different functionalities easier.

Know about Web Applications with its Best ExamplesHere are top frameworks, which are popular and widely used in the web application development process:

  • Angular
  • Flutter
  • Vue
  • Django
  • Node.js
  • Ruby on Rails
  • Spring

Furthermore, let’s know about its major examples, the web applications which are dominating the market.

Best Example of Web Application

Google Docs

Know about Web Applications with its Best ExamplesIt is the majorly used web application in the market. Users can also download it, in their Android and iOS Smart Devices. According to Wikipedia, Google Docs is a word processor included as part of a free, web-based software office suite offered by Google within its Google Drive service. It offers free access to online documents.

It allows users to create, update, and delete the information from the doc and also share information with other users. Google docs are majorly used as they are fully secure. This popular web application is written in Javascript and Java.

It is supported on several web browser platforms such as Apple Safari, Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, and Mozilla Firefox.


Notion web application helps to manage daily routine tasks and information accurately. It is known for all in one feature, mainly popular for note-taking.

Know about Web Applications with its Best ExamplesThis web application was launched in 2016 and supports several operating systems which include macOS, Android, iOS, and Microsoft office.

Users can connect these components to create their systems for knowledge management, note-taking, data management, project management, among others. It can be accessed with most of the web browsers. It has turned as a foremost choice for small businesses.


Salesforce is the popular product of SAAS and majorly used by all the large enterprises. It is an American cloud-based software company, which offers customer relationship services.

It helps in market automation and analytics. Furthermore, The development is complex of the Salesforce as it includes several attributes such as tables, reports, and highly interactive dashboards.


Know about Web Applications with its Best ExamplesXero is an accountancy web application based on cloud-based software, which turns the accounting process easier.

It also helps to resolve technical computations and is based on user-friendly attributes. This web application is majorly used by small and medium enterprises.


Web application development has its benefits, its framework turns the development process easier. But to opt for web application should be according to your business requirements.

If you want to turn your platform interactive and connect your services with your customers then it is appropriate but only for information, you can hire a web developer, who can meet with the latest trends and all your project requirements.

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