18.12.2022 13:00

Remote Monitoring of Patients for Cardiovascular Disease

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Remote Monitoring of Patients for Cardiovascular DiseaseMore than 121.5 million Americans are affected by cardiovascular disease. It is the leading cause of death. These conditions can be treated using a remote cardiac monitor. Remote patient monitoring devices have been shown to reduce blood pressure, detect heart arrhythmias earlier, and detect HP decay. This all helps to lower the risk of developing chronic cardiovascular diseases.

Let’s explore the potential benefits of remote patient monitoring in cardiovascular disease.

Hypertension Management and Reduction

According to the American Heart Association, monitoring hypertension via remote patient monitoring and a blood pressure monitor cuff is more effective than self-monitoring. Regular interaction between healthcare professionals and patients can lead to improvements in diastolic as well as systolic blood pressure. Clinical Cardiology found that more than 91% of patients who had been following a weekly blood pressure monitoring program for seven weeks achieved a target of 135/85 mm Hg BBP after seven weeks.

Remote patient monitoring is a preventive measure that helps people with hypertension manage their condition.

Management of Heart Failure

Remote Monitoring of Patients for Cardiovascular DiseaseRemote patient monitor software includes both implantable and portable devices, thereby improving the list of physiological data points for cardiovascular disorders. Recent research has shown that implantable electronic radio frequency monitoring devices can reduce cardiac hospitalizations by 19%, and cardiology-related emergency room visits by 28%. These devices have also been shown to reduce hospital stays by 51%, compared with patients who do not use remote patient monitoring devices.

Detecting Atrial Fibrillation

Remote patient monitoring can be very beneficial in the early detection of cardiac arrhythmia. Patients with different types of remote patient monitoring devices were subject to a study that showed early detection of the disorder. These devices included implantable pacemakers, implantable cardioverter-defibrillators, and cardiac rehabilitation therapy with defibrillation/pacing capability. Also, patients with implanted RPM devices had lower all-cause mortality.

RPM Benefits for Cardiology Patients

Remote Monitoring of Patients for Cardiovascular DiseaseOne common misconception about remote patient monitoring centers on the fact that older patients are less likely than younger ones to adapt to new technological devices. Numerous studies have shown promising results in this area. As more Americans age, they are turning to technology to stay connected with their loved ones and friends. Pew Research Center estimates that more than 91% (or half) of Americans over 65 have a cell phone and almost half of them use smartphones. They are able to adapt easily to remote patient monitoring technology.

RPM can have many benefits for cardiology patients. This technology allows patients to be more involved in their own health, reducing costs and improving outcomes. RPM can help eliminate healthcare barriers such as geographical location, transport, financial complications, climate, and other factors.

RPM also decreases hospitalizations, emergency room visits, and in-office consultations. RPM encourages patients to be involved in their treatment and diagnosis. It also encourages them to take responsibility for their health and make informed decisions about how to improve it. RPM helps medical professionals gain a better understanding of their patient’s conditions. This allows them to develop treatment plans based on their individual medical reactions, decrease their medication, or make more effective prescribing decisions.

Remote Monitoring of Patients for Cardiovascular DiseaseRemote patient monitoring in cardiology has many benefits that go beyond individual health. RPM not only reduces hospital stays and hospital admissions, but it also lowers the economic burden associated with these diseases. The United States suffers from approximately $214 billion annually in healthcare costs due to stroke and cardiovascular diseases. This is in addition to a $138 billion decrease in productivity. Remote patient monitoring is a way to reduce healthcare costs in cardiology.

RPM is Important for Cardiology

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) statistics highlight the reasons for the increasing demand for remote patient monitoring in cardiology. According to estimates, one in two Americans suffers from hypertension.

Remote Monitoring of Patients for Cardiovascular DiseaseThe majority of these people are unable to control their blood pressure. Statisticians also estimate that over 6.1 million Americans suffer from atrial fibrillation. These numbers are unlikely to decrease anytime soon. As the population ages, they may rise. The CDC data also shows that 42% of Americans fell into the obese category between 2017 and 2018, an increase of 31% since 1999.

SmartClinix offers specialized remote monitoring services for patients. They are American fellowship-trained cardiologists who have been board-certified. Book an appointment online today to get them! SmartClinix has more information.

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