17.04.2024 11:30

How to Manage Remote Teams in a Creative Agency?

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Remote workforces are becoming more and more common in the modern economy, especially among creative agencies. This has led many managers to wonder how they can successfully manage their staff, who are no longer in one location but often working all over the world. In this blog post, I’ll explain how best to manage remote teams by focusing on communication and collaboration tools.

It’s Time to Manage Remote Teams

You’re a creative agency, and you have a lot of employees. Some of them are in-office, and some of them are remote.

The trend is clear: more creative agencies are employing a mix of local and remote employees than ever before. This is good news for businesses that want to save money on real estate costs while increasing productivity and efficiency by hiring the best people for any given job–regardless of where they live.

But managing a team like this isn’t easy! You need tools that make collaboration easy while keeping everyone on task with deadlines looming overhead…and none more so than when managing teams across multiple time zones or continents (or both).

For smoother staffing and resource allocation, especially in the tech domain, consider exploring IT staffing services to help you build and manage your IT teams effectively.

Managing Remote Workforces is not Rocket Science

Managing remote teams is not rocket science. It’s more about managing people than managing technology, and you can learn to do it.

The first thing you need to understand is that your employees are human beings with feelings, families and lives outside of work–and those things will always come first for them before they do anything else (including working).

This means that if they have a problem at home or they don’t feel like coming into the office today because their dog died last night (true story), then they won’t just magically be able to get up out of bed and go into work anyway just because “that’s what I’m paid for.”

It’s also important not only respect their personal time but also recognize when there might be an issue with yourself or other coworkers as well; maybe someone didn’t get along with another employee or maybe someone was being rude during lunch break yesterday–whatever it may be, try not ignore these issues because ignoring them won’t make them go away! Instead try talking things through with those involved so everyone can move forward in peace together peacefully once again.

Communication is Key When Managing Remote Teams

Communication is the key to managing remote teams. There are many tools available for communication, but it’s important to choose the right ones for your team.

  • Use group chat apps like Slack or HipChat to communicate with everyone on your team in real time.
  • Set up video calls with clients and other team members so you can see each other face-to-face when needed (and not just via Skype).
  • Have regular check-ins with each member of your remote team to make sure they’re getting enough support from you as their manager, as well as how they feel about working remotely at all!

Using these tools will help you stay in touch with your team and make sure that everyone is on the same page. It’ll also help you feel more connected to them even if they’re not physically located in your office with you!

Managers Need to Understand Their Own Limitations when it Comes to Managing Remote Teams

The first step in managing a remote team is to understand your own limitations. If you don’t know what they are, then how can you expect to manage? It’s important that managers have an honest conversation with themselves about their strengths and weaknesses. In such cases, hiring an interim manager might greatly benefit your company by providing immediate expertise and strategic guidance.

For example: If I am not good at making decisions on my own and need other people’s input before making a choice, then I should know this about myself so I can ask for help when needed or find someone who can make the decision on my behalf while keeping me informed of their reasoning behind it.

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Another example: If I’m uncomfortable speaking up in meetings because I hate public speaking but still want everyone else’s opinion on something important (like firing someone), then maybe having regular video calls would be beneficial so everyone can give their input without feeling pressured into doing it in person (and thus avoiding awkward silence).

Focus on Providing the Tools for Successful Communication

To ensure that your remote team is working effectively, you need to focus on providing the tools they need. This means ensuring that they have access to the right communication channels and collaboration tools, project management software, reporting tools, training materials and so on.

Among the most popular solutions are Jira with add-ons like Jira issue templates, Trello, and Asana.

It is best to consider an all-in-one agency management software that includes every point of the list, so you won’t have to search for different tools and switch between them while working.

You may be able to get away with using email as a primary form of communication when all employees are in one location; however, this will not be practical when working with a remote team because emails take too long for people outside their local area code (i.e., non-local).

Instead, invest in an instant messaging platform like Slack or HipChat (owned by Atlassian) so that employees can communicate instantly among themselves and with other teams within the agency if needed–and even connect with clients directly through chat rooms set up specifically for them!

A Creative Agency Software that Works With a Remote Team

In order to manage remote teams in a creative agency, you’ll need to use software that works with them. A creative agency software is a tool that helps you manage the work of your team and communicate with them effectively without having to be in the same room as them.

There are many benefits of using such a system:

  • It allows you to create tasks and assign them out easily.
  • It provides an overview of what everyone is working on at any given time so that nothing falls through the cracks or gets forgotten about behind closed doors (or behind screens).
  • It allows direct communication between coworkers–you can send messages directly from within your project management system instead of having conversations over email or messaging apps like Slack or WhatsApp which might not always be convenient for those working remotely


We believe that the best way to manage remote teams is by ensuring that everyone is on the same page. This means communicating clearly about your expectations, goals, and priorities so that everyone knows what they need to do without being told. It also means being open about problems so that you can work together as a team towards a solution instead of bottling up frustrations until they reach a breaking point.

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