11.01.2023 14:00

How to Convert MS Access to a Web-based Database?

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How to Convert MS Access to a Web-based Database?Data is the driving force for the ‘tech-sphere’ that we are becoming increasingly entangled with each passing day. From businesses making crucial business decisions to consumers making choices for their everyday lives, data has become an important factor in the decision-making process across the board. When we talk about ‘keeping data in line’, MS Access is one of the most talked about database management tools being used by people around the globe.

By combining software-development with a graphical user interface, MS Access allows the user to crunch down the data into a more meaningful entity which can be utilized in referencing, reporting, and analyzing. When it is combined with the power of the internet, the benefits increase exponentially. Here, we will investigate how MS Access can be converted to a web-based database, and how it can aide businesses/individuals by giving a major boost to their business.

First things first, let’s talk about 3 areas which are heavily dependent on the use of MS Access and therefore why you cannot afford to overlook its utility

Bliss for Business

How to Convert MS Access to a Web-based Database?From maintaining financial reports to managing your customer base, Microsoft Access is a must-have for businesses looking to make it big in the market.

You can always maintain your data in black and white, but we are in an era of changes and as your business expands, so will the data you have to manage. MS Access just makes it more organized and easier. Simply install it on your workstation and start learning, or let your team get used to it for better management.

A great tool for Schools

How to Convert MS Access to a Web-based Database?Whether it is a student of administration or statistics or a teacher who needs to keep the class schedules and performance sorted and at quick disposal, MS Access makes life simpler for all. Library management, financial management and of course an indispensable aide for pupils, MS Access can be a great learning platform for bigger and better things in a complex working environment.

A must-have for Offices

In the workplace, there are various entities that must come together to complete a task. From the finance department to HR, each department has a need for crunching numbers and extracting reports in order to keep the department functioning properly. This is where MS Access can be a great tool for an organization that wants to keep things running smoothly.

How to Convert MS Access to a Web-based Database?Some of the common misconceptions associated with MS Access include:

  • It is viewed as a platform that is only suitable for a relatively small number of users.
  • It is confined to local networks and users.
  • It is limited by slow performance on larger data sets.
  • It is generally associated with lack of scalability.

With that being said, MS Access can do more than what is assumed.

How to Convert MS Access to a Web-based Database?Though not a cinch, converting an MS Access database to a web-based database is possible with the following steps which can turn it into a ‘go-to’ tool for anyone aiming for effective database management:

  1. Import/migrate data from Access tables into MS SQL Server (alternatively you can do it from MySQL or anyother DBMS).
  2. Determine whether you need to buy a SQL Server or simply use the free SQL Server Express edition, which is, in most cases, more than enough to meet your needs.
  3. Recreate queries as views. Queries in MS Access are widely used, but Migration Assistant will only help convert SELECT queries and even not all of them. Access queries could contain certain parameters from the linked forms or human entries. You need not create such queries from ground zero. Same goes for INSERT, DELETE or UPDATE queries.
  4. Recreate Forms. Once the data migration to SQL Server is complete, you will need to essentially create a DB-backed website with the help of programming languages such as PHP, Node.js, ASP.NET, Java, and Python. You can also pick the appearance using any of the modern UI prototyping tools.
  5. Once the Forms are finished, focus on recreating Reports
    which are recreated in a similar fashion as Forms. While simple reports can be made with existing tools or libraries of language, more intricate reports should be created from scratch.
  6. The final step is to rewrite custom VB code. You will need to rewrite Visual Basic programming language in your programming language.

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