30.10.2023 06:30

Helpful Ways to Grow Your SMS Subscriber List

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Helpful Ways to Grow Your SMS Subscriber ListSMS marketing may be top of mind if you’re keen to test out some new marketing avenues this year. It’s a useful, affordable strategy that works across numerous age groups and industries and can be automated by helpful tech tools.

You can personalize messages, target different customer groups in different ways, and utilize 2-way SMS campaigns to engage more with both current and potential customers. However, you’ll get more out of this strategy if you have a decent-sized database to send messages to. Here are some ways to grow your list in the coming months.

Ensure Your Website and Social Media Pages Have Sign-Up Links

For starters, utilize the marketing collateral you already have set up, which is likely your website and social media pages, to generate more subscribers for your text message database. You might embed a sign-up form on your homepage, in the footer or sidebar of your site, or even utilize non-intrusive pop-ups prompting people to provide their phone numbers.

Another great spot on your website for an email sign-up form is in the checkout. When people buy from you, they’re in a state of mind to trust your business and what it offers, which means they may be more likely to sign up at this point. You need a quick and easy-to-use form on any of your platforms in a prominent spot so people know where to go and what to do to sign up. Make it something they don’t have to think about too much, and you’ll see your subscriber numbers grow nicely.

Convert Your Email Subscribers

Helpful Ways to Grow Your SMS Subscriber ListAnother great way to get more people saying yes to getting SMS messages from you is to convert those who already receive communications from you via email. It’s generally necessary to offer some type of alternate value proposition to this list to encourage them to sign up for an additional message form.

For instance, let email subscribers know they can receive SMSs that are more time-sensitive or exclusive than e-newsletters, such as sharing flash sale news or early access to new release products, services, or even events. Make it clear why there’s an advantage to being signed up for both of these lists, otherwise, people won’t bother saying yes to the texting on top. It’s generally necessary to incentivize shoppers to give out their personal details. Hence, you need to showcase why the potential risk (in their yes) of their information being shared is worth it.

Capture Numbers in Store

Businesses with a physical store or office presence should use this brick-and-mortar status to find ways to stay in touch with shoppers more often. If you have a site where you and your team are face to face with consumers regularly, make it a point of telling people about the great benefits of signing up to your SMS list.

You might make it a routine that everyone at the checkout gets asked if they’d like to be added to this list for great deals and information, or you could put signs and forms around the store for people to learn about and fill in details for your text messaging database. Think about what suits the flow of your premises and the ways your target market browses and buys to come up with the right way of doing this. You’ll likely need to test a few ideas to see which setup statistically provides the best results.

Get More SMS Subscribers Via Competitions

Helpful Ways to Grow Your SMS Subscriber ListAnother avenue for boosting your SMS list is via competitions. When you run contests, you might make it a part of the entry consideration that people need to provide their phone numbers. Just make sure it’s evident that by entering the competition and providing their digits, they’re opting in for these messages, so there’s no misunderstanding. This can be a great and quick way to generate more members for your text campaign database, though.

Let People Know They Can Always Opt Out

Consumers are often wary of signing up for more lists because they’re worried it will be too hard to opt out if they decide the messages don’t provide enough value. As such, it’s vital to make it clear right from the start that people can sign up and don’t have to worry about this idea, as they can always let you know later if they’ve had enough of the messages. Make this ability clear on any sign-up forms you create, whether online or in-store.

Some other tips for growing your SMS subscriber databases are to ask current customers and list members for referrals, let people know what kind of messages they’ll receive, and ask shoppers for feedback on your texts. This way, you can keep tweaking messages over time and make them more beneficial for your audience and thus more likely to be talked about to others by them.

Helpful Ways to Grow Your SMS Subscriber ListIt takes time to build a database up, so don’t expect it to happen overnight, but follow the strategies above and keep persevering, and you are sure to see the numbers start rising steadily in no time.

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