19.06.2023 15:30

Essay Writing Ideas: How to Get Them?

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There are two problems with essay topics — when you have one and when you don’t have one. When you are given a topic, you need to cover, feel trapped and pressed, and say that you would write a better essay if you could have chosen the topic yourself. However, when the essay topic is up to you, you feel lost and cannot choose or come up with something brilliant. Freedom is not always as fun as it sounds. When it is an essay in a discipline that actually interests you, it is better — you have some background to draw ideas from. In this article, we will brainstorm essay writing ideas: how to get them? How to stay original? How not repeat yourself in different papers, and how to enjoy the process even? Let’s start.

How to Come up With Creative Essay Topics?

If you are reading this article, it is obvious that you don’t have a defined topic given by your professor or teacher. So, how do you come up with something not boring and not too challenging at the same time?

  1. Google. Yes, it is obvious advice, but something being simple and accessible doesn’t mean being wrong. However, we don’t recommend using those lists of “The Best Essay 2021” etc. They are rather obvious and used thousands of times. You can scroll them through to get some ideas, but nothing more. We offer you to use a search engine of your choice more creatively. Note down 10 keywords related to the discipline, general topic you are writing about. Later make doubles with them and search – you will see videos, articles, pictures, books. 90% won’t be relevant, but 10% may strike you with a custom essay.
  2. Online libraries and peer-reviewed journals. The idea is close to the one described but is done in the narrower field. Look for online academic libraries such as JSTOR and others and look for the articles in the required disciplines. Articles there are much more complex than you need, so your task is to be inspired with ideas and simplify them. You are not writing a dissertation or even an article to support that dissertation. You are working on a simple essay, so don’t overcomplicate things. The good thing about this method that you don’t only get some ideas, but already find some materials to cite within the essay.
  3. Lecture materials. Look through your notes from lectures and seminars. You will find some ideas that are not presented in the textbooks. Of course, this will only work if you are actually attentive to what your professor says. Such notes can be invaluable as you struggle with some ideas for your essays, group projects, etc. If you are not a very diligent student in this sense, use your social skills and ask to peak in your friends’ notes.
  4. Footnotes. It is a secret weapon. Take several books, textbooks related to your discipline and read footnotes only. You don’t need the entire text right now. In footnotes, you will find articles and sometimes explanations and new ideas which you can turn into essay topics. Again, this way, you kill two birds with one shot — get a topic and get some entries to your references/work cited pages. An optimization is a great tool when it comes to making your student life easier.

Fine, this will probably be enough when speaking about finding ideas for essay topics. Let’s move to the content itself.

Creative Essay Content: Where to Get the Ideas?

You have already set your mind about the topic, and now you need to research it and present it professionally and creatively. You use your textbook, Google Scholar search, and some journals from online libraries. Everything seems fine till you realize your essay is a rather boring piece of writing that will only make your professor yawn in despair. You honestly don’t care about his or her impression of your work, but you definitely care about the final grade. Here are some ways out we can offer:

  1. Ask for help. Choose a quality, affordable essay writing service for professional help with your academic essay. You may not be in the mood to write it right away, you may feel tired, or the topic you have chosen or were given is no longer exciting. There are dozens of reasons to ask an expert writer online for help with your papers. In terms of creativity, when you are not in the right mood, you won’t be able to come up with some engaging essay anyway. Buying some of your essays online, you can use them for free months to come, as you learn from the best and the brightest how to structure papers, how to present the arguments, how to present a thesis statement and conclusions.
  2. Interview yourself. This method takes you away from the boring process of typing you are so used to. Turn on a voice recorder, imagine you are giving an interview to a magazine writer in a specific field, and improvise. You will be surprised how much you know about the subject, how well you can present it, how creative you can be. A change of setting is a big deal. Later, use a scriber or decipher the interview yourself.
  3. Imagine the upside-down world. At first, it is difficult, at first, you think that it won’t work for most of the disciplines and most of the topics. Try harder. Think about the world where your topic would sound completely reversed. How would it be? It is a brief creative mind exercise that helps to approach a standard topic from an unexpected point of view.

Don’t fight it. Writing essays is a top task for any student. You cannot avoid it, so it is better not to ignore it, but to become a part of the process and go with the flow. Work on improving your essay writing skills and enjoy dealing with essays faster and with a better result.

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