21.07.2023 11:30

Entertaining Guests at Home Without Stress

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Entertaining Guests at Home Without StressMartha Stewart is the reigning entertainment monarch. She has suggested tips to make hosting stress-free. She suggests that you start by planning with several questions for the organization. These include the following:

  • Define a specific date with all your guests
  • Determine the number of guests invited
  • Is there a theme for your home party?
  • Plan a budget
  • What type of accessories do you want, i.e., music and decorations

When you have all your answers figured out, it is specific planning arrangement time. Hosting at home can go very smoothly because your guests will be coming to a place that you feel comfortable in—your private domain. You are in control! Let’s look at additional ways in how can you entertain guests in your home without a lot of stress?

Clean the House

Entertaining Guests at Home Without StressDon’t try to clean your home in one day. The more complicated tasks can be done over the days leading up to your party.  Concentrate on the rooms that your guests will see the most.  The rooms in the front of your home are where your guests will remain.

For better lighting, wipe down the pendant lighting for kitchen. The other main room in your home will be the bathroom(s).  There are many advanced cleaning products that will give you a sanitized sweet-smelling environment for the floor, sinks, toilet, and the air.

No Man Is an Island

You should not try to do everything by yourself.  If you are an entertaining guru, then you already know your strengths. However, if you are just okay with entertaining, then ask for help or use professional services to have your guests thoroughly enjoy themselves in your home.

If you choose not to bother any of your friends and to make things easier on yourself, then use the services of a chef, a bakery, a flower shop, and other items on your to-do list. When you use professional help, you are welcome to add your own flourishments to your party.

Entertaining Guests at Home Without StressFor instance, if your forte is preparing appetizers, then make your favorites. Your appetizers can be the entrée that can be served to your guests to munch on until the main meal.

As a host, it is a tiresome mistake to try to prepare the food alone or to be the mixologist at your affair.  Choose a friend to mix and serve the drinks.  There is usually one or two persons who love mixing drinks.

Keep It Effortless  

The plates and utensils you will be using can be store-purchased heavy-duty brands. There are colorful sturdy disposable plates that look very elegant on any party table. Actually, you can purchase them as a set, with matching napkins and disposable utensils.  Now, here is where I part with disposable party eateries.  When you are serving alcoholic drinks, you must use nice glassware. Glassware is elegant and civilized. Maybe it is just me but there is nothing more impressive than guests holding and drinking from ornate glasses, like glasses with a stem.

If it will help you, you can rent glasses, but if you purchase your own set, there is no stress in someone breaking one.  For light non-alcoholic drinks, you have permission to use sturdy paper cups.  Remember that these types of cups are also available in varying sizes and colors.

Resting Bottoms

Entertaining Guests at Home Without StressDo you have enough seating for everyone?  Set up comfortable seats for your guests the day before.  The seating idea is to get people conversing and entertaining each other while you continue to play host.  Find alternative seating options that are around your home.

By setting up these spaces ahead of time, you’ll help to make your guests comfortable and encourage conversation. In this manner, you will not have to worry so much about making introductions and encouraging stimulating conversations and interactions.

Seating arrangements are easy to prep for.  You can set up intimate tables for your guests, including your living room couch and other seating furniture. The major seating etiquette is more important when it is time to eat.

You might like buffet-style dinners or your guests will enjoy an indoor alfresco style of dining with mini tables and chairs.  As long as, everyone is comfortable, this will also help you feel relaxed.

Cleaning Up

Party planning etiquette suggests that you and perhaps a close friend will help clean up as the night goes on. Plan a trash bag location to throw away the left-over food plates, cups, and napkins.

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