Your logo tells the story of your business and the values you stand for. It’s easily one of the most important aspects of your brand. So, you must design the logo with utmost care and attention. For your help, we are sharing 8 amazing logo design tips for small businesses:
1. Draw Inspiration from Other Designs
You can find hundreds of thousands of logo designs on the Internet. You can study these designs to get some fresh ideas and inspiration for your brand.
If you want to build an entirely new restaurant, you should look at existing restaurant logos to see how they used colors, lines, and text.
Remember, coming up with a unique and attractive logo design isn’t easy. However, once you have analyzed some quality designs, you can use the attractive design elements in them for your own logo.
2. Avoid Cliches
A common mistake that inexperienced logo designers make is the use of cliched ideas. There are all kinds of redundant design ideas that we see in logos even today- text bubble logo for brands about communication, traditional house (triangle and square combo) for real estate brands, etc.
You must avoid these cliches if you want to appear professional and trustworthy. Try to be creative and come up with something original.
3. Bear the Principles in Mind
A great logo can help you boost your brand with absolute digital media. However, you can’t create the perfect logo unless you keep in mind the core design principles.
These include simplicity, versatility, timelessness, etc. So, be sure to learn about these principles before you create your logo.
4. Pick the Fonts with Care
One thing you must remember when you pickthe right logo for your business, is logo typography. Believe it or not, different fonts reflect different emotions and personalities.
For instance, there are big and bold fonts such as Bodoni XT and Nouvelle Vague, and there are subtle and creative fonts such as Nobile and St Marie.
You need to decide which fonts reflect your brand values aptly, and then use these fonts to create an appropriate logo.
5. Be Careful with Colors Also
Just like fonts, the role of colors in branding can’t be overlooked. Colors tend to play with our emotions on a subconscious level- it’s a proven fact.
So, it’s important that you pick the right colors for your logo. For instance, if you want to symbolize energy and passion, then you can pick red.
If you want to symbolize trust and reliance, you can go with blue. For a better understanding though, you need to do some homework on colors and human psychology.
6. You Can UseNegative Space
You must have seen this in many popular logos- they use negative space creatively to stand out. Take FedEx logo for example.
If you will look closely at the negative space between the “E” and “x”, you will realize it’s an arrow which reflects speed and efficiency. You can use similar negative space ideas for your own logo.
7. Improve with Feedback
It’s always good to receive feedback from employees and your loved ones. They can share valuable ideas and suggestions which can help you perfect your logo.
8. Hire a Professional
There are all kinds of logo maker software on the Internet, and there are websites where you can hire freelancer logo designers for a small price. However, these options may not give you acceptable results.
If you are unhappy with the logo designs you receive with these options, consider hiring a professional logo designer.
Sure, their fee may be higher than your budget, but if you can stretch your budget, you should go for it. After all, you can’t grow your business unless you have a solid brand to back it.
So, there you have it- some top-notch logo design ideas that can help small businesses and solopreneurs across the globe. Use these tips wisely, and good luck!
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