27.04.2023 11:30

5 HR Solutions for “Monday/Friday Sickness” in the Workplace

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5 HR Solutions for “Monday/Friday Sickness” in the WorkplaceOne of the problems of employers is the unavoidable behaviour of employees getting unreasonable or inexplicable leaves – this is especially during Mondays and Fridays. This kind of practice is mostly known as the so-called “Monday/Friday sickness”.

It’s either for the reasons that the employee wants a long weekend or simply because they indeed need some time to take a break or rest from their stressful work. However, such incidences of frequent filing of leaves either on Monday or Friday are undeniably getting more rampant.

If you’re seeing signs of “Monday/Friday sickness” in your workforces, it’s time to execute proper HR solutions. The issue needs some attention and action before it affects the company’s progress as well as the workforces’ productivity. Find out what you can do about it by reading the following HR solutions provided.

1.    Create attendance policies

5 HR Solutions for “Monday/Friday Sickness” in the WorkplaceMondays and Fridays are the favourite days when filing a leave because these are the closest days to the weekend. Thus, by not having clear and organised attendance policies to follow through, the employees will more likely go easy on you. They might have this mindset that there are no certain policies for them to follow, thus, it’ll be fine to keep on filing for more leaves whenever they wish to.

Thus, make sure that requiring the employees to present medical proof of illness after going on sick leave will be part of your HR solutions. This will really limit the major issue of Monday and Friday sickness.

2.    Raise awareness on the possible consequences of unreasonable leaves

With the precise attendance policies in line, make sure that the workforces are well-aware of the consequences upon filing doubtful sick leaves. In that case, they’ll have enough knowledge of the possible ramifications of their irresponsible actions.

These consequences can be considered as their penalty for faking sick leaves or for having poor attendance. In that way, you’re teaching the workforces to be responsible and disciplined enough as one of the people belonging to the working community.

3.    Offer incentives for exceptional attendance

5 HR Solutions for “Monday/Friday Sickness” in the WorkplaceTo motivate the workforces to go to work regularly, offer them the right incentives for showing off an exceptional attendance. This is usually practiced by almost all companies as part of commending the compelling attendance of their employees.

This can absolutely be one of the most effective key points of your HR solutions. If the employees have something to look up on to in exchange for their commendable attendance, do you think they’ll still have reasons to fake their sick leaves?

4.    Don’t be one of their stressors

There is some point in time that employees aren’t the only one to blame for being an absentee. A stressful workplace and unapproachable management can contribute to their lack of interest in going to work.

And being an approachable, cheerful, helpful, and friendly co-worker must be included in your companies’ HR solutions. This is effective to retain employees especially those who are doing their best to take part in their job.

5.    Figure out other possible reasons

5 HR Solutions for “Monday/Friday Sickness” in the WorkplaceThe most important part of HR solutions is by providing assistance to the workforces. And if the management as well as the human resources department notice that the employee is doing a great job at the assigned tasks but fail in attendance, there must be something wrong.

You can consider communicating with the employee as part of HR solutions. This is to ask the employee several confidential questions that might be pertaining to his health, financial status, personal life, and anything that might cause him to lose energy or interest in working.

Moreover, effective communication as part of the HR solutions can be the bridge between the management and the employees that may result in a better relationship or connection. Practicing exceptional communication and transparency in the office will create a positive impact in the workforces’ productivity.


5 HR Solutions for “Monday/Friday Sickness” in the WorkplaceWorking can be really tiring and stressful at the same time. Especially if aside from tons of work, the employees are being surrounded by unpleasant or unhealthy ambience in the workplace.

To work on it effectively, the best HR solutions listed above must be in good and consistent practice. Remember, the workforces are also one of your companies’ most significant assets.

Thus, listen to them, pay attention to their behaviour, and provide them with appropriate and necessary HR services to retain their enthusiasm and excellent performance in the workplace.

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