21.08.2022 11:00

3 Trends to Consider When Updating Your Business Systems in 2022

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3 Trends to Consider When Updating Your Business Systems in 2022Most businesses are still reeling from the sudden plunge into remote work in 2020, even two years later. The remaining struggle is mainly because many companies had to suddenly, drastically (and sometimes at high costs) embrace new technologies. Whether those were cloud solutions, collaboration solutions, virtual infrastructure, remote desktop solutions, or others, organizations have found themselves onboarding technologies at a rapid rate since the outset of the pandemic – and this adoption rate isn’t calming down anytime soon because these technologies are also evolving.

Regardless of where your business is today with technologies, it’s inevitable you’ll need to consider updates within the coming years. Business tech is evolving too quickly for companies to rest on their laurels with what solutions just let them get by during 2020. Below are the three most prominent trends to consider if you are looking at updating your systems this year.

Trend 1: Going Cloud-Ward

3 Trends to Consider When Updating Your Business Systems in 2022If you still have technologies on-premise, now is the time to migrate to the cloud. You’ll have to make this inevitable move at some point when your on-premise technologies become obsolete, don’t perform how you need them to, don’t serve your dispersed workforce well, or simply go end-of-support from their original manufacturer.

It’s not just outdated technology that should spur you to the cloud. Your team is required to manage legacy infrastructure on a daily basis — including expensive repairs when something goes wrong. You avoid those costs in the cloud. The cloud offers an outsourced-support, predictable-cost model. Not only do you not have to worry about the capital loss to implement cloud solutions, but you’ll also be better able to budget for the solution’s lifespan.

Trend 2: Going Paperless

3 Trends to Consider When Updating Your Business Systems in 2022Many businesses are moving to electronic document systems today to skip out on the labor and costs associated with paper. When employees have to rummage through filing cabinets for relevant documents — or spend time chasing down where a file is in its approval process — you lose money and profitability. Not to mention, the risk involved with tracking paper and version history is higher in a physical document setting. When you can’t keep track of who saw what information, your security is also at risk.

Document management technology solves these problems. But document management systems aren’t just about eliminating a paper-based environment; they’re about overhauling your operations and processes to optimize efficiency, productivity, and profitability. Bringing your paper into an electronic document management solution allows you to streamline inter-departmental and cross-departmental workflows.

Trend 3: Going Automatic

3 Trends to Consider When Updating Your Business Systems in 2022Automation is weaving itself throughout many modern business system technologies today because it has the power to eliminate manual processes from various operational settings and hand those processes over to computers. Solutions like enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems can automate large chunks of tasks your employees are currently doing by hand, improving efficiency and reducing risks of human error and bottlenecking.

Look for automation technologies to save you time and money and provide centralized visibility into how your business runs. From benefits such as having better views of your cash flow to speeding up customer issue resolution, automation is here to transform traditional ways of working.

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