05.03.2024 10:30

YouTube Monetization

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YouTube MonetizationYouTube has always been one popular and the best social media platform to make yourself famous and earn money online. But it has also raised a question in many young minds: What are the optimum ways to make money on YouTube in 2024? In this blog, you will get a list of the ways to achieve YouTube monetization.

We all are already aware that more YouTube views are a matter of creative, innovative and meaningful videos on this social media platform. First, you get subscribers which means people who are watching your videos.

Then, you start to grow your YouTube channel over time by increasing your subscribers, pushing your monetization rates up.

However, to do all of this, your first initiative is to join the YouTube partner program (YPP), which is essential. But it also comes up with a few basic eligibility criteria and requirements. And there are many other options and more ways to make money on YouTube; we will find out here!

Most Popular Five Ways for YouTube Monetization

Go for Affiliate links on YouTube

YouTube MonetizationThe most popular and effective way for YouTube Monetization is Promoting and enhancing affiliate links like the ten best live streaming software for YouTube can be a huge earning opportunity for online platforms and channels that offer detailed tutorials as well as in-depth product reviews. For example, if you want to promote a product and any potential customer or target audience prefers to visit your link to buy, you’ll immediately earn commissions. You can introduce the following links that describe the product and its values in the first few lines and say about your link in your video content.

Posting and delivering affiliate links on the YouTube platform shares a dramatic resemblance to promoting affiliate links on your blog. Therefore, it is not a sure shot try that everyone will visit the links you mention. Every user search for trusted sites and good, relevant, and meaningful content, so you shouldn’t pour affiliate links all over your YouTube content just for the monetary benefit. To do so, you can help your users in many ways. You can provide tutorials and problem-related links to generate loyalty and trust in their view of your business. You can also create videos that provide answers or solutions you have initially accomplished yourself.

Be a YouTube Partner and Earn from Ads

For many famous YouTubers, ads are the essential revenue stream. They earn from ads and promotions of the potential brands and their products and services. To perform promotional and ad activities, you can become a YouTube partner. When you are a YouTube Partner, you can earn a lot of money in various ways. You can gain a lot of income from ads even before starting your videos, channel memberships, or Google AdSense banner ads.

YouTube MonetizationBut all opportunities have some ground rules and regulations to follow.

Therefore, before being a certified YouTube Partner, certain requirements and things are needed to start.

For example, aside from accepting YouTube’s ad rules, you must ensure a minimum of 4,000 video view hours on your YouTube channel in the last 12 months and have 1,000 subscribers.

After becoming famous and gaining the 4,000 hour-threshold and being eligible for your place as a YouTube Partner, you can start your revenue and earn from ads.
In your Video Manager, a green “$” located near your posted videos indicates that you can now be eligible for YouTube monetization, and you can start earning from the same.

After being eligible for YouTube monetization, there are some minimum eligibility requirements and rules you need to fulfill and comply with.

YouTube MonetizationAs mentioned, and described by YouTube Support, these are the following:

  1. Accept all the YouTube monetization policies.
  2. You should be living in an eligible country or region.
  3. You should have a minimum of 4,000 valid public watch hours in the last 12 months.
  4. As mentioned above, you must have a minimum of 1,000 subscribers.
  5. Another important requirement is that you must have a linked AdSense account.

Some simple ways to attract a target audience and boost subscribers and get views – which usually takes a lot of time-are creating entertaining, interesting, relevant, and meaningful video content that encourages real value.

YouTube MonetizationAnother important requirement is that your videos should be of high quality to meet the standards and viewpoint of today’s users and viewers who have become experts at determining and then deciding what’s good or bad. No one wants to compromise with anything less when it’s a matter that offers poor visual or audio quality.

Also, it is recommended to add as many videos as possible and upload them as more videos mean more chances to reach the required hours of watch time.

Consistency and relevancy in posting your YouTube videos is also key to a healthy and growing channel.

Earn on YouTube with Funding from Your Fans and Followers

Once you are a known face on YouTube, you tend to gain many fans and followers. With creative and innovative video ideas and good content for your video, you can enjoy the love and care of your followers. They will love to see you again in fresh videos and watch your updated postings once they become your subscribers. After you have developed a loyal fan club, encouraging them to crowdfund your YouTube channel can help you fund your new concept, fresh ideas, creative videos and eventually help you gain profit.

Make Your YouTube SEO Rule

You have to plan and maximize YouTube SEO accordingly for video analytics and video creators who are still struggling for a fan base and have not built a significant following yet. It is the best scope of increasing your website traffic organically.

To do that, find out the most searched words on the Internet known as the keyword, do proper research like you usually would – however, think of something unique and innovative based on what people are searching for on YouTube. Then ensure you use optimum and high-value keywords in your video content, video title, description, and video tags.

Once you posted this content full of interesting, relevant and properly launched keywords, you can check your YouTube “Traffic Source: YouTube search” report to get an insight into what people are searching for when they get your hosted videos.

YouTube SEO ranking factorsFollowing are the five keys that should be considered for your YouTube SEO ranking factors:

  • List in number of comments
  • Subscribers after a video are watched
  • Like/Unlike and Heart ratio
  • Length of the video
  • Click-through-rate on the search results of YouTube

Explore new options for extra revenue from YouTube Red Subscribers

YouTube Red is a full-charm benefit for you as it allows users to pay $9.99 for ad-free YouTube video watching. Content creators can earn or generate money without watching the full-length ads and make 55% of revenue, based on user-watching your video time duration. There is a fusion of reviews on whether YouTube Red increases or decreases CPM rates. You can also increase your follower’s engagement with the best video editing software available to ease the process of your video editing.


YouTube MonetizationIn this blog, we have understood the concept of YouTube monetization and some of the easy ways to make money through your videos. It is also observed that with the changing pace of time, digitalization has taken way up in the market, and YouTube has become one of the most leading platforms to become famous and spread information through online access.

Therefore, you need to know the correct way to present your videos and hit the correct audience to increase your followers.

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