07.10.2022 08:30

Win Customer Reviews with 3 Simple Ways

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Win Customer Reviews with 3 Simple WaysIf you are a Business Owner, you might have known by now how critical customer reviews for a Business.

Consumer reviews are one essential element in the digital space for online buyers to consider your product or services over your rivals.

Before the Evolution of the Internet, things were totally different, people would make their purchase decisions with the rich advertisements and word of mouth.

But, presently, after the internet, the complete purchase behavior has evolved and consumers started doing their research online about the pros and cons of a product before opting for it.

Therefore, if your business could win more positive reviews even a half star rating more than your competitor, it is a definite win.

Win Customer Reviews with 3 Simple WaysSo, how as a business you could improve your positive reviews? It is simple, by asking them. Are we correct?

But when to ask is vital and we cannot ask a customer for a review when they are not happy with your product or service, which is going to worsen your reviews and not improve it.

So here are few tips on how to ask a customer for reviews to grow your online reputation.

Win Customer Reviews with 3 Simple Ways

How to ask for reviews

Ask when the customer is happiest with your service.

Win Customer Reviews with 3 Simple WaysIf you are looking for a positive review from a customer, the consumer must have received an extraordinary service from you and should be ready to take up another service with you. It is important for a business to not only have positive reviews, but to have given positive experiences.

But, we agree that even 5-star hotels get a critique.

So, always make sure your customer is happy. A great tip is that it is advisable to ask for feedback about your product or service and if it is great, then ask them to give you a review online.

Just a thought. Pick a way that best works for your business.

Ask Right After the Service

Win Customer Reviews with 3 Simple WaysIf you are asking for a review, make sure it is right after the purchase. Trust me, most of the time, it will end up as an extraordinary review because of the below reasons.

1) Customers can remember how they felt about the purchase, which could come out well as words.

2) Customers do know that you are going to read the review right after they finish, so they will write an amazing review to make you feel good.

Above all, always have an Ipad ready so that you could ask them to do it right away. No service is as good that they go home and write a review.

Do not leave a customer Unhappy

Win Customer Reviews with 3 Simple WaysWe realize it is not easy to convert an unhappy Customer to a Happy customer but it is our responsibility as a business owner to find alternatives to create a positive experience, bare minimum a neutral experience which could help us to avoid a negative review.

For Instance, If you have ever purchased on Amazon and If you are not happy with the product, they will give you a no questions asked full refund. In that case, even though you are not happy with the vendor of the product, you will not stop making purchases from Amazon.

We are aware, not all businesses are as big as Amazon to give a full refund, but an offer code which a customer could use on their next purchase could work sometimes, but always come up with a creative solution because a negative review could impact your overall rating.

Win Customer Reviews with 3 Simple WaysIn Conclusion, Online reputation management for Small Business is crucial as it directly impacts the Sales, so always try to create the best possible experience for your customers. And, for some people, it might sound uncomfortable to ask for a review, but always remember that your competitors have already started doing it, so try to find an Online Reputation Management Agency to work it out for you.

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