06.06.2023 09:30

Employing Your First Software Development Company

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Employing Your First Software Development CompanyIt’s no secret that mobile app development is one of the hottest sectors of IT work right now, with a large majority of Internet users migrating toward mobile devices, and ditching desktops. Mobile is more accessible, often easier to use, and more convenient for the large majority of people, which is why many entrepreneurs are looking into finding a reputable custom software development company.

Regardless if you’re an avid mobile supporter, or still prefer old-timey desktop software, one thing is clear: digital is the way of the future, and if you’ve been meaning to get into development, now’s the time.

Who Should Work With a Developer Company?

Put simply, anyone. Whether you’re a small business looking to move into the 21st century, in the hope of attracting more clients, or if your enterprise spans multiple different types of apps, you’ve got a lot to benefit from hiring a software developer company.

So let’s talk a bit more about that.

What’s an external software developer company?

Employing Your First Software Development CompanyWell, luckily for you, you’ve got quite a bunch of options when it comes to app and software development:

  • You can hire a permanent development team. This can be a solid option if you’re looking to build a lot of software and app work in the future and will require daily, applied work on your projects. In cases such as these, your best bet is to hire an in-house development team, which you may or may not choose to supplement with external talent, according to your needs.
  • Outsource your projects. Another excellent option is to outsource your projects to an external development team. If you’re working on one big project, for example, and don’t really need the complications of an in-house team, outsourcing can be a great option. It’s a budget-friendly and highly qualitative option. What’s more, outsourcing exonerates you of all management and administration duties and difficulties that often come with hiring and preparing an in-house team.
  • Augment your staff. This is, in many ways, the best of both worlds. People who augment their staff already have a dedicated in-house team but are usually looking for specialized work. For example, if your current project requires a specific coding language, and you have no experts on that language in your team, you can always choose staff augmentation. This practice involves hiring a specialist in that language for the period it takes you to complete the project.

Which One is Right for You?

Employing Your First Software Development CompanyIt’s difficult to assess which option would work best for your company. Usually, you’re the one who knows best what you will need in the future. Is it constant work that would justify paying for an in-house team? Or is it a temporary project where you only need to collaborate with the developers for a brief amount of time?

Whichever you choose, we recommend taking the time to research your potential future employees, and ensure you’re getting the best bang for your buck.

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