19.02.2025 03:10

Cloud Encryption Tips for Businesses: Infographic

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Even though Internet security is continually evolving, data has never been so vulnerable, given the sheer volume of data that businesses now hold and the level of technical expertise boasted by hackers. Therefore, data encryption has become an essential business practice, especially for companies who have data in cloud storage.

Cloud Encryption Tips for Businesses: InfographicResearch from the Ponemon Institute revealed that 3 out of 4 businesses already have cloud encryption partially or fully deployed, with 43% of businesses utilising a cloud encryption strategy at all levels throughout the company.

It’s little surprise that businesses are so keen to adopt cloud encryption when you consider that the average data breach hits companies to the tune of $4 million (Source: IBM).

Cloud encryption strategies fall into one of three categories: client-side, in-transit and at-rest. Client-side is the most secure option and is strongly recommended when handling sensitive data, as the data is encrypted on the user’s computer before it enters the cloud. With in-transit encryption, the data gets encrypted while travelling between the device and the cloud, while at-rest encryption occurs when data is kept in an encrypted state on the cloud provider’s servers. The latter two options can be utilised if your business has a small volume of data and it is not overly sensitive.

Whichever strategy you choose, cloud encryption offers precious data security and gives you peace of mind. However, you should still ensure to have a copy of all cloud-based data backed up to a physical location, as no cloud is completely invulnerable to hackers. Also, it’s worth having a comprehensive encryption plan in place so that your most sensitive data can be prioritised.

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