09.06.2023 15:30

What is System Integration?

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The most important basis for ensuring the life of a modern company is its information environment. There is a need in understanding the structure of this environment. There is a term “System Integration“.

According to experts, system integration is “a set of professional IT services. It includes technical audit, development, and integration of solutions and training. Also, it’s management of IT and business solutions.

Specialists with experience in the IT services market have developed an effective model. Also, they have developed stages of the company’s work in the area of ​​“system integration”.

System Integration Stages

The provision of system integration services usually includes five stages:

Analysis of the client’s activities

The goal of this stage is to formulate problems in the field of system integration that need to be solved by the client to support his business. This is the most important stage in the entire model. The better the mutual understanding between partners. And this is further interaction, the more efficiency the customer will receive. It’s related to the implementation of a complex solution. The depth of analysis depends on several determining factors.

Technical audit

The purpose of this stage is to conduct a comprehensive analysis of the IT infrastructure. it’s important for compliance with certain standards, policies, and regulations. An audit is a necessary step before starting an IT infrastructure reorganization project. The end result of this stage is the formulation of a detailed jointly worked out technical task (TOR).

Development of a solution

The purpose of the stage is to develop a comprehensive solution based on the technical task. It includes the technical solution itself. Also, it’s the method of its implementation, the stage-by-stage work, the financing scheme. The solution development procedure is a series of iterations. They are subject to mandatory approval from the customer.

As a result of this stage, a project worked out in all parameters, appears for the implementation of the tasks laid down in the TOR. In a specific case, its composition is negotiated. The project is discussed in detail with the customer. All components of the solution to the client in an expanded form. It indicates all the pros and cons of their implementation in the proposed form.

Implementation of the solution

The purpose of the stage is the implementation of the solution according to the project, stage-by-stage delivery. Also, it’s installation, configuration, testing of all components of the project. In the course of the work, the customer’s personnel are initially trained to use the systems being implemented.

Maintenance of the decision

All clients of the company are offered various schemes of service support. Always are taken into account the specifics of each organization for system integration services. The service package formed taking into account all risks and requirements. They allow you to minimize the losses of the enterprise. It’s during Intra corporate changes, technical accidents, etc.

The main goal of specialists in the implementation of system integration projects. it can comprehensively solve the customer’s problems. It’s related to information management. Also, it’s optimization of business processes. Also, it ensures the further development of the client’s corporate information system.

Main components of an integration project:

  • Consulting services and development of an application integration strategy;
  • Preparation of a concept and plan for a future solution;
  • Risk assessment;
  • Analysis of applications and preparation of recommendations;
  • Requirements analysis;
  • System architecture development, application development;
  • Business process design and interface development;
  • Maintenance and technical service, it-support.
  • Benefits of cooperation with our company
  • Use of integration platforms of world market leaders;
  • Professional work management by specialists who have more than one successfully completed project behind them;
  • Predictable results in a well-defined time frame, regardless of the complexity of the project.

The use of integration technologies makes it possible to shorten the time of information systems.

The risks of personnel to new software solutions in data migration services worse it.

At the same time, the key to a successful solution to this problem is the selected IT strategy of the enterprise. It takes into account industry specifics. Also, these are the latest developments and advances in IT, experience in solving complex and voluminous problems.

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