05.10.2021 13:45

Only two days left until the end of QUASA AIO

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Dear Friends,

Only two days left until the end of QUASA AIODon’t miss the opportunity, AIO will end on October 7, it won't happen again!

  • Until October 3, 37 participants took part in QUASA AIO, for a total amount of USD 9,395.22
  • 60 days after the completion of QUASA AIO, the Quasacoin (QUA) token will be listed on the Kickex exchange.

#Quasacoin (QUA) is the first cryptocurrency that brings people together.

Quasacoin (QUA) is listed on the Uniswap exchange.
QUA token smart contract  address:  https://etherscan.io/address/0x4daeb4a06f70f4b1a5c329115731fe4b89c0b227

Follow to trade QUA tokens on UniSwap: https://app.uniswap.org/swap?inputCurrency=0x4daeb4a06f70f4b1a5c329115731fe4b89c0b227

Stay tuned for updates, exciting news ahead.

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