How to Accept or Not Accept a Task
How to Accept or Not Accept a Task
When your task is completed, you need to accept it and evaluate the performer.
How to do it:
1. Go to the task card;
2. Select "Task completed";
3. Evaluate the performer (What for?);
4. Leave feedback on the work of the performer;
5. Confirm execution.
If all the deadlines have passed, but the task has not been completed, the performer refuses to work or does not get in touch, the task can also be accepted, but already as unfulfilled.
Do not forget to rate the performer and leave a review about him, even if the task is not completed. This will help us to correctly determine the rating of a specialist, and other clients to make the right choice.
It should be remembered that the performer has the right to challenge your opinion about the failure to complete the task. In this case, the conflict situation will be considered by arbitration.